Forum Post: I Invented Something.
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 10:32 a.m. EST by bill1102inf2
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Thomas Edison took a need 'HOW do I create light' and created a THING 'light bulb'.
'HOW do I distribute $ so that people have a basic amount of living $', I created a THING that takes $ from the 1%/Corps/Banks/etc and distributes it electronically to the masses.
There. I invented something as simple as a light bulb that will forever change American history.
Now use it.
This is idiocy, not even worth a good insult.
keep on trolllolloling
I dont get it, how can you take $ from the 1%?
Your light is on but nobody is home.
Is an idea an invention?
I invented a combination cell phone and vibrator for women and have orders out the yazoo
thats hawt
Actually robbers are not new.
Hey look .I "invented" something too. It takes brain cells from OWS morons, and redistributes them to hedgehogs. Now use it
hedgehogs serve a purpose by eating dead animals. OWS does not serve a purpose they are always wanting and needing. They have done nothing but destroy property and rape little catholic girls. I fear one day some loon will deliver them a package
What you are describing is stealing. Any form of stealing is wrong and you should go to prison for it. Second the idea of redistribution of wealth is extremely unsavory to Americans. It has been that way for generations and will probably never change.
are you some sort of moron? Stealing? Then the gov has been STEALING from my paycheck, and whenever I buy a product, OR service my entire life. QUICK!! Call the cops
No that's called a tax. If you live in this country and are a united states citizen then you must pay taxes. You are describing taking something that does not belong to you.