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Forum Post: I hope OWS learned its lesson last Tuesday Morning

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 10:07 p.m. EST by fabianmockian (225)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The elite have been conspiring for some time now. Just look at the American Legislators. Exchange Commission (A.L.E.C.), which still sounds like a place to buy and sell legislators to me. This group has been plotting and planning since the time of Richard Nixon. I guess Tricky Dick wasn't crooked enough for them. The point that I am trying to make is that they have surreptitiously sought ways to push their agenda of manipulation and domination for over three decades and I can't imagine that alecexposed.org has put a damper on that, because I have yet to meet one person who knew about A.L.E.C. or alecexposed.org prior to me telling them about these anti-populist and whistle blowing websites, the second of which shows the true relationship between legislators in various states (143 Republicans and 1 democrat) and those corporations that utilize these elected officials to get model legislation beneficial to corporations passed in their respective states. It is due to the efforts of groups like A.L.E.C. that so many of the republican party have led the charges for voter rights suppression, privatization of prisons and laws that weaken unions across the country. As for the point of this post, I hope that OWS learned the following lesson: The 1% have been plotting against the public's best interest for a long time and I suspect they will do so for a long time to come. They have become so practised in the art of deception and propaganda, that 49% percent of eligible voters will vote against their best interests. So, OWS don't just hunker down and hope for the best. Please try to think like a conniving, selfish, power-hungry, ego-maniac and plan for their next attack, because they are already trying to figure out how best to break the bonds that bind us. Be vigilant, because they are watching you and looking for your weakest link.



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[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Good post fabian. And quite true, they are planning their next moves as we speak.

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

So true which is why I hope OWS begins embracing the tactics of economic boycotts and mass non compliance. Unfortunately many Americans want business as usually, and don't accept the reality, that in any social movement, fighting for economic justice, there will be collateral damage, with ports closed down, loss of profits for businesses, and possibly jobs lost.

So many want a movement where they are left undisturbed, not inconvenienced and suffer no risks or job loss whatsoever. History shows us that isn't possible. Some people say no boycotts, it will cause the loss of jobs...well endure your police state.

[-] 1 points by fabianmockian (225) 13 years ago

You are correct and I really don't understand how so many Americans are so willing to bury their heads in the sand and hope that all will be alright when they emerge from their comatose complacency.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

I went to a town hall meeting a few years ago; wherein constitutional lawyers were trying unsucessfully to mobilize the public. They asked a clinical psychologist to be a part of their panel because they didn't understand the bizarre lack of response from the public considering the dire constitutional crisis. The psychologist said Americans have a very definite sense of who they are, and what they are about; but reality runs counter to what they want to believe.

So Americans separate their awareness, from their own awareness, walling off part of their consciousness, in a state of dissociation; a state beyond just denial; which leads to mental illness if not treated. A denial of reality, by separating and walling off their own awareness. Basically much of the populace is mentally ill, and can't confront reality.

I was so glad I went to that meeting, because I'm surrounded by people who are in a state of dissociation.



