Forum Post: I have to vote for a person, or my vote won't be counted?
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 23, 2012, 11:01 a.m. EST by alterorabolish1
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I want to send a message with my vote! I am already not allowed to protest and assemble to bring my grievances to the government, except in authorized places which makes protest a waste of time. I can't use my vote to express myself!
There is no good reason or hardship on anyone to not record all votes and publish them for everyone to see. I agree that only a person can be elected, but I don't give a shit who is elected. I want badly to send my message and I should be able to do that with my vote!
If enough people would get behind a third party candidate, I would join them. The message could be sent that way, but I remember very well how Ross Perot was demonized and marginalised so people wouldn't vote for him. That should be expected to happen again if anyone began to show any strength. Of course I would support Stein or Anderson but it would send the message again that voting against the two established parties was a waste of time.
90 million people don't vote. They would not vote for Stein or Anderson if MSM began reporting their stances on certain issues. They will continue to stay home and not vote.
Revolution can occur non-violently if we can somehow motivate people to vote! Forget the candidate, send the message with the vote!
"If enough people would get behind a third party candidate, I would join them."
Precisely why third parties don't get enough support. Most wait for someone else to take the first step, and in doing so, never take the step, guaranteeing that not enough will support the candidate.
Doing the right thing should never depend on others actions, it should depend on what is just.
I disagree with why third parties don't get enough support. The primary reason is because they're a person, dirt of some kind will be found, made up, or otherwise "released" to the public.
90 million non voters will not get motivated to vote for any person, hence an idea that might motivate them to vote.
The primary reason people don't vote for third parties? They're afraid to stray from the pack. Even some Occupier's here are afraid to leave the crowd they're accustomed to following.
Decades ago people were afraid to buy a Toyota or a Honda. Instead they stayed with the safe bet, the Fords and Chevys. Eventually enough people took the chance and in the bargain got better reliability and economy.
In the political world the stakes are so much higher. We can't wait another 20 years while people get the courage to vote for real change. By that time we will be wearing chains.
Do you agree that 90 million voters will not vote in November? Do you believe the primary reason will be because they don't give a shit who gets annointed?
Because of Occupy less than 90 million will not vote. The reasons why they don't vote are many. Too lazy, think their vote won't count, think the system is corrupt, or just don't care. What matters is that you do what is not just good for you, but for others as well.
I agree with your post.
Why couldn't the people who won't vote for some reason be able to get motivated to actually vote? It's the motivation to get these people to vote that I'm trying to accomplish. it's going to take something different and exciting.
Self interest is probably the most powerful motivator. If you can show the people how voting will benefit them personally, they will be much more likely to vote. We need to keep hammering the wealth and political inequality issues. The MSM will not speak out against the inequality because they are the beneficiaries. Their advertisers, the Kochs, and other corporations who put profit above all else, are our enemies.
The information supporting our cause is tremendous and readily available. It's up to us to keep the message front and center.
comments please