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Forum Post: I have no title, because I had no voice. Until now.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 3:50 a.m. EST by Koroz (21)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If I had a voice to be heard, this would be the message that I gave.

"Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people"

Let us fight to free the world.

1) End the empire building. We need to bring home every single troop we have across seas. We spend 1.2 trillion dollars a month on two wars that by all accounts should be over, remember WE GOT HIM! Remember the hundreds of thousands of people cheering that night? What about the people we lost on 9/11? Do you remember them? We have lost more then DOUBLE the amount of lives fighting these wars then we lost in the original attack against us. WHO is winning?

2) End the Tax system as we know it. This of course can not be done right away. We need to drop the Tax bracket system and enter into a flat tax system. This system will start at around 10%, that means regardless of income, regardless if you are a person, or corporation. No more loop holes, no more deductions. No more tax breaks for the "job creators" everyone pays a simple 10%. This percentage is ONLY until the break down of the current government is done. When the current government spending is under control the US government will cease all national income taxes.

3) End the Federal reserve system. We have banks, who are international, paying debts of their friends with US tax payer and bail out money. These same people regulate the banking system. Regulation doesn't work when the companies have lawyers who wrote the regulation code to begin with. It doesn't work when regulators have to go against a team of 20 lawyers all better paid, better educated and more cut throat then you are. Regulation doesn't work when its not the PEOPLE regulating it.

4) End the drug war. End the war on peoples choices and ability to make wrong decisions. End the war on personal freedoms. End the military police state. Enforce police officers code of conduct beyond what we see today. Police Officers should not be enforcers of a law, they should be keepers of the peace. We already have laws for people to not hurt other people or their property, right to peace or liberty. Why do we need further laws to enforce what people can eat, smoke or drink? Why not punish those who choose to break laws against people when under the influence incredibly harsh. Don't treat addicts like criminals, admit them to hospice instead.

End the private jail racket that we have today, it has grown over 300% in the last 20 years.

5) States rights should be re-enforced at a core level. The reason our system worked in theory was because the people had a right to choice. There was never intended to be a big brother nanny enforcing laws of morals on the populace. The local governments, and if needed, the state governments would handle the policing of their own policies and beliefs based on the will of the people, not at the will of corporate or special interests. If abortion is an issue you believe strongly against, you should live in a state that votes or "leans" toward that way. We all should not be forced to abide by a federal law that does not allow us to move to a state where decisions can not be made by the people who live there.

As long as those laws do not impede on a humans rights to life, or liberty.

But what needs to happen most of all? A fundamental change at a human level. We have been brainwashed via commercials and social engineering to believe that we need someone else to take care of us. This is not the case. We are sentient beings. We can think for ourselves, feel for ourselves and make the life choices, right and wrong decisions that mold us as people.

We need people to WANT to be free, people to KNOW their laws. We should know our constitution, and it should be taught in every grade level. Our constitution should be something that every student is versed in when they leave high school. YOUR RIGHTS are fading to the cheering of those who are too ignorant to know better and it is no ones fault but our own.

WE need to change the attitudes and culture of this country around. We need to get back to the core values of hard work and honesty, not judgement and war. We need to remember that laziness and ignorance will only enslave your children and their children. We need to break down our ego's and rebuild our nation.

Regardless if you have a job or not, support those who are occupying the local cities where you live. Don't support them because you have to, support them because regardless if you want to admit it or not they are fight for you and I too.

Thank you all for everything you do, and continue to do.



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