Forum Post: I have a dollar...
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 11:45 a.m. EST by AtomicZ
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When this dollar became something I owned so did the choice of where to spend it and what to spend it on also became my own choice, my moral social responsibility ... this is the true power of the dollar... something to always remember [ it is my dollar until I trade it for something worth a dollar ... or is it? ]
Where did my bread come from? Where are the clothes made and who is selling the clothes to me?
If I choose to I can give my dollar to someone who needs it or ... cigarettes ? booze ? dope ? hophead food ? all of this sends my dollar into the hands of a system that needs to suppress me to get yet another dollar from me... I can choose where to buy something for the person who needs a dollar...
I want to know the corporations in question resulting in the Occupy Ports movement on the west coast this December 12th ...
What is made from these imports ? I want to choose something other than the imports to spend my dollar on ... something that gives my dollar back to America...
Yes it is important to remember that dollar is real voting power, everytime you spend on of those magical pieces of paper you are voting to support the production of that product and everything that goes along with that including the types of wages paid to the employees who make that product and also where that company will re-invest that dollar. Every time you swipe an item at checkout you are voting for that product. Think before you vote with your dollars. if you don't want jobs going to china don't buy chinese goods, if you don't want wallmart to keep busitng up unions and paying employees terrible, don't give wallmart your dollar. if you don't like what bank of america does, remove your money from there bank and you will remove their power.
little by little ... it has all the power intended ... united we stand ...
Well, You could look for Made in U.S.A., not USA(that's in Japan) or donate it to a local clinic/free hospital, they could use it most. You could not buy cigs(well maybe 1) booze(unless there's a special)or dope(ha! not at today's prices) Your bread came from the local bakery(usually within a hundred mile radius, giving many jobs to the local people) Unless you buy specialty clothes, they are made over seas(China, Pakistan, other countries that people claim is nothing but sweatshops, but haven't personally been there, so they don't know what they're talking about) And corporations sell the clothes to you from said factory(employing thousands if not millions per country involved. And to be perfectly honest, everything is imported as well as exported. Your dollar won't go out of your town. If it were me. I would buy myself a tasty treat or a soda
de$$ert - getting your hands on what is both moral / social positive & tasty too...
Moral, positive, and tasty?? hmm.... and a dessert for a dollar.... vanilla ice cream??