Forum Post: I have a demand but live in the middle of nowhere and am too poor to get to an occupy location
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 12:17 a.m. EST by 404
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In an economic crisis such as we are in, we need to end the requirement for college students on food stamps to have at least a 20 hour a week job. I can't find a job! I live in an area with 12.3% unemployment! I don't want to have to starve to get an education.
Sorry pal but the liberals only worry about you if you're black, homosexual or a jew. Poor Whites get no sympathy from liberals and will either be painted as a Klansman, a Meth Cooker or a toothless incestuous rube that drives a rusted out pickup truck and takes potshots at poor black sharecroppers.
You forgot living in a trailer and dating your sister.
is looking for people in the far reaches of America
Direct Democracy
Plant seeds and grow food all over your area, we are rebuilding the "garden of eden"
Good idea I will do that!... come March when the snow is gone... =/
Curious - does searching for a job count as a job in this context?
no, I must actually have a job to keep my food stamps. Does that answer your question?
Yes that answers it. That's messed up, I agree.
It's a welfare loop. Start poor-get government assistance-try to get off government assistance by trying to get a job/better job-don't have the qualifications-go to school to increase chances of getting a job-government takes assistance away if you dont have a job...well how am I supposed to no longer rely on the government if I don't have the qualifications to get a job and don't have parents to support me? aggghhhrr the frustration. >.<
Your situation is proof that the system has been rigged to keep the little man down. That's messed up. Good luck '404.' edit - little person. Didn't mean to assume you were a man, just a figure of speech.
That sounds terrible. But I think that is partly what OWS is about. All those people that went to college with promises that they are doing the right thing, only to find a crap job market. Nowhere to turn, go to OWS.
I hope you are studying a good subject. Best of luck.
thank you