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Forum Post: I hate Israel, I don't hate jewish people

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:37 a.m. EST by IHateIsrael (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Just in case you can't get the difference:

I hate the State of Israel, created in 1948 with genocide and expulsion of the Palestinian people.

I DON'T hate jewish people.

I DON'T think that the jewish citizens of Israel must die. I think they should become citizens in a Palestinian State, a secular and multiethinic state, with its borders totally open to Arab immigrants.

I think that the jewish youth of the United States and Europe should stop supporting Israel. They are Americans and Europeans, not Israelis. Israel is not their homeland. They should not be loyal to Israel. They should oppose the crimes of the State of Israel against the Palestinian civilians.



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[-] 2 points by IHateIsrael (3) 13 years ago

By the way, I hate all the big banksters, no matter if they are jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or atheist.

[-] 2 points by IHateIsrael (3) 13 years ago

Israel is a criminal State.

The jewish youth of the United States and Europe are not responsible for Israel's crimes. They should not support that criminal State.

[-] 0 points by odiug (93) 13 years ago

Oh ... that is nice of you that you wont kill jews in Israel. I guess we could consider that progress.

[-] 2 points by IHateIsrael (3) 13 years ago

The only jews who need to die in Israel are those who use firearms to defend the racist apartheid State of Israel. Those who don't use firearms to resist the secular and multiethinic Palestinian State don't have to die. They may become citizens like any other.

If you go to Ramallah or any other Palestinian city, there are Christians living there, in peace with the Muslims. Anyone who was born in Palestine (including in the former State of Israel) should be allowed to live in the future secular Palestinian State, no matter if they are Muslims, Christians or Jews.

All the Palestinians refugees should be allowed to return to the new state, with citizenship and voting rights. And non-voting Arab immigrants should have the right to get visas to work in the new State.

[-] 0 points by odiug (93) 13 years ago

What you are asking for is a one state solution.

and yes, i would be with you if we are talking about some sort of confederation between the Palestinian state and Israel.

Would solve a lot of problems.

Regarding the refugees ... does this apply for all jews thrown out of the arab countrie too?

Are they allowed to go back and repossess their former property and will be granted all citizen rights in the arab countries?

And by the way, why is it that Palestinian refugees in Jordan are still citizen second class after 70 years?

Where is the arab solitarity?

Could you imagen how Europe would look like if we Germans treated our refugees from East Prussia and Schlesien the same way after 1945?

Do you think there would be peace in Europe?

So again ... where is the arab solidarity?