Forum Post: I found THIS?!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 12:19 p.m. EST by Pyroaquatic
from Harrisonburg, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Those comments are really one sided and make me sad. Is this true??
The link is to a rightwing sight, clearly intending to paint OWS in a negative light. The article includes a picture alleged to be a garbage dump. That is not trash. It is a pile of signs. Do you see any food? Any wrappers? Discarded cups? The article is one sided, but clearly is not based in fact.
No it is not true. It was a lying hit piece article.
Even if it was actually trash .who cares?(I'm against pollution but plz listen) so what if a little trash gets piled up on the steps of wall st. Corporate policies pollute our rivers so bad it causes cancer at alarming rates. They pollute our air, dump oil In our oceans. And leave the bill for everyone else to clean up?? So a few protest sign piled on the street for later use isn't news it's just more propaganda. It time wall st got a lil of there own medicine