Forum Post: I encourage everyone to get ahold of a copy of the award-winning film "Inside Job" and watch it ASAP. I know it's hard to believe but this economic collapse was not an accident. Some very greedy folks crashed our economy and made fortunes doing it.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 12:24 p.m. EST by therising
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If you don't already think Wall Street needs regulation, you will after you watch what some very bad men did to millions of us.
Bump this up!
Yea, Inside Job was good. It's on Netflix streaming I'm pretty sure.
I just watched this movie...and yes....
we need to return to the regulation we once had. And include derivatives in this regulation. We need to abolish the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - the meltdown would never have occurred if they were not created.
We should also be calling for criminal investigation of the key players in the meltdown and more liability from these players. Also, we should be calling for the resignation of key government officials that are supposedly in charge of these financial regulators.
Wall street owns Obama and he hired the same GS people on his staff that got us in trouble in the first place. We need to have a "separation of Street and State"
Many years ago, congress passed an integrity law that limited gifts that government workers can receive to $25 annually but congress exempted themselves from this integrity. Congress needs to be included in this
Lobby reform is only lip service. We need real lobby reform. Limit a company or organization to only have one Lobbist on payroll is a start.
Agreed. I prefer "Separation of Money and State". Same idea, just a little broader!
I think the protest should go public and official with a #1 demand of getting the money out of the political process.
This clearly has alot of support and is the root cause of so many of our problems.
Right on!
Goldman Sachs is the Dictatorship that is controlling our government.
Goldman Sachs may just be 50% of the 1% GS is destroying our country with their dictatorial rule.
GS and the rest of Wall Street destroyed the economy with their criminal greed. Washington let them.
Wall Street has the power to destroy us further, again and again and again.
Will we let them?
We need to end the dictatorship of BIG money corrupting our government and destroying our country's democracy. We need to go public with the demand for Campaign Finance Reform and move this forward. We need to get the BIG money out of the political system.
1% buys their representation in government. 99% are left with the scraps, and the destruction caused by the 1% .
Well said!!
I got a little fired up about GS after that article you directed me to earlier.
Keeping it going.
If you haven't seen the film Inside Job, you'll REALLY REALLY be fired up after you watch it. You'll be ready to march on the building an take non-violent direct action. We need 100,000 people outside their building at 200 West Street. It's only 19 minute walk from Zuccotti Park.
Yes, I saw that. Sufficiently horrifying! Also, two good books, "The Big Short" and "All the Devils are Here" . Both horrifying and appalling.
All that convinced me, people on Wall Street have no soul.
There should be a regulation for that. For all those who want to work on Wall Street, they must first be screened for a "soul".
Soul - you're in. No Soul - you're out. We need a "soul detector"!
I think you're absolutely right. Maybe there's a way to have double bottom line where the benefit of your business transactions to your fellow humans has a value. That way the soulful would rise and the soulless would sink.
The truth is, whether you Or I like to admit it or not, somewhere in those people is a good heart. It's just obscured by all the self-centeredness and greed. To be honest with you, I think King and Gandhi would both say we actually have to love these people, love them enough to set them right as King would put it. I'm the first to admit that loving these kind of folks is very difficult, but I am actually convinced that may be the only way. To be clear, when I say love these people, that may mean direct nonviolent action and protests at their building to bring their corruption out into the light of day.
The way we are helping them in this case, is by bringing their transgressions out into the light of day, by creating that tension, that good creative tension that Martin Luther King Jr. was so fond of. He was not afraid of that good kind of tension. And in the end the best thing for these "soulless" individuals in these companies would be for their transgressions to come out into the light of day so we can just get this over with. I would add that I think most business people are soulful and are good people. But there are a whole bunch of bad apples who fall prey to materialism and the results of their clumsy actions causes lots of harm for all of us and the environment.
I agree, I believe there is inherent goodness in every person. It's just alot harder to find it in some!
Funny thought though - imagine trying to tell someone like Lloyd Blankfein that by putting him in jail, we're actually "helping" him! To find his soul.
btw - here's a link from something official like. I posted a suggestion here. wonder if it will get through to the GA?