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Forum Post: I emplore "The movement" to listen

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:22 a.m. EST by jham1964 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Your movement is just, you demand the social and fiscal responsibility from the banks and from the big money houses and yet you are missing an opportunity to show america, through your own actions that you are willing to excercise that same responsibility. Please don't miss this opportunity......Band together as one with one goal (for now). Pool your human and finacial resources, clean and organize the park yourselves. Show the world that this movement is capable or organizing and moving on a goal, focus on change and make it happen. Then, when the park is clean, neat and organized......PROMOTE what you have done. Your WILL remove much of the negative perception. Then move on to another goal, and then another and then another. This movement will then become a machine of change........God Bless all of you, be safe, be smart.....



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[-] 1 points by WhyIsTheCouchAlwaysWet (316) from Lexington, KY 13 years ago

Seconded. We need to rally and more this from "a bunch of people who are upset" to "a bunch of people who are doing something." Stay non-partisan and leaderless, those are our key strengths.