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Forum Post: i don't want to debate.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 4:51 a.m. EST by theeleusinian (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I just want to say i love what's happening before my eyes. first a black president and now the people actually stand in the street and shout, "I can't take it anymore!" Just wow.

And the truth of the matter is that if, in ten years' time we're not all united behind common sense and necessity then we may well be not long for this world, or it for us.

We're facing problems for which there is but one solution. Fix them.

My generation understands this. And this is what they've done, so far. I'm proud.

If I could offer some thoughts. (1) I suggest that OWS think not in terms of revolution, but instead, evolution. Revolution inspires all sorts of fanciful ideas, and the consequences are readily apparent. Evolution is the natural response to environmental pressures, which force an adaptation. (2) I assume that the core argument of OWS is something like, "We the people of all colors & flavors, etc. believe that the current economic situation is unsustainable, unsound, perhaps to its very foundation." Sounds familiar... I posted elsewhere, now lost to the world I hope, a bit of rambling suggesting the most obvious solution would be to "fix" the global money supply in some direct and proportional way to the "fixing" of the clean energy, clean atmosphere, etc. problems threatening our very survival as a species, potentially. The simplest would be to track CO2 emissions over time and real economic growth over time corrected for inflation, etc. and see how closely these two exponential growth curves track. But (3) the bottom line is that the old system is top-down, hierarchical, and slow. So the new "solution" will clearly not be for the top (or as is historical tradition, the group next in line) to orchestrate the changes. And that is what I see in OWS: a beginning, towards a new way of thinking about solutions entirely - based on this new environment, and adapting accordingly. There is no "or else." It just is.



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[-] 2 points by byronx (26) 13 years ago

Revolution is evolution. The great French Revolution is humanity's growth from monarchy to republic. So is the Russian Revolution. So is the Chinese Revolution. The American Revolution is our growth to an independent republic from being just a colony of an empire.

This world-wide rising is a sign of humanity's evolution from living under the oppressive, exploitation-oriented, profit-driven capitalist system to a more egalitarian socialist system.

OWS is a sign of human society's growth to maturity. It IS evolution. But practically speaking, by standing up against the 1% we are asking (perhaps unconsciously now and more consciously later) for the American Class Revolution, and nothing short of that.

[-] 0 points by DudleyE (94) 13 years ago

If you don't want to debate, then you're in with the right crowd. These people are just protesting because they're racists and mad that there's a black man in the white house. It's racism "straight up"!

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

DudleyE, your understanding is weak. stop projecting your fears all over the forum. please, it only speaks to your demons.