Forum Post: I don't care how they did it
Posted 9 years ago on March 5, 2015, 8:39 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I care that it is that way!
I don't like the government. But government control is better than the Wall St. control of our lives that we have now! At least we have a vote to reign in the government. We have no vote on Wall St.
Banksters and billionaires care only about themselves. While the ruling elite central controllers on Wall St. own most of everything produced in and by the community or hold the paper on it, including the politicians and our government and there's seemingly nothing we can do about it, at least a few representative and executives oppose rich suzerainty once in a while. Without the possibility that our government will one day listen to our pleas to reduce the predation of the community by the masters, there's no hope that our debt bondage will ever end. Perpetually we will work to make the masters richer and have only the possibility of becoming rich ourselves as a way out of slavery.
How many of us can ever be rich? According to Edward N. Wolff, in 2009: top 1% owned 34.6% of the wealth [net worth=wealth=assets - debts]; the next 4% has 27.3% of wealth; 5% - 11.2%; upper middle 20% - 10.9%; middle 20% - 4%; Bottom 40% - 0.2%. To have significant wealth and power means to be in the 10% who own 73.1 percent of everything. And 9.99 percent of the elites are just extravagantly paid and pampered ministers and overseers for the 0.01% who wield the power. What real probability is there that you'll ever join the elites? It's not really one in ten thousand that's the inverse of 0.01%. The holders of those high seats aren't easily displaced. Nor do they willingly make room for newcomers. So what are the odds . . . really?
The 4.2% of the wealth that's left to every 3 out of 5 is spread among more than 200 million of us. After you factor in where you were born and who you know, you have a better chance of winning the lottery or becoming a movie or sports star than you do of getting rich by playing the game of life as we know it. But don't say that to a master or one of their multitude of fools or worse, a minister. You'll mark yourself as a bitter, complaining, hateful, loser, who blames successful people for your own shortcomings.
The possibility that you'll be rich is a false hope, because the probability is almost vanishingly small. No matter how much money the banks create on their ledgers to loan to us, it will always be more to them when they collect the interest. [usury] But there's a finite number of material goods and services available to buy. I can do the math. There's no possibility that most of us will ever be able to live beyond hand to mouth until limits are placed on the greed of the Wall St. rulers, to whom we're subject.
In the end I don't care how it came to pass that one in ten thousand have most of the wealth and power that the community produces. I don't care how hard they worked; how moral and smart they are; how much they deserve to have it all. I don't care if they have it because we're all lazy, jealous, low life scum to them. I care that they have it and we need it. I care that their existence threatens ours.
> "We can have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis Brandeis
> KGravity
Of, By and For the Truth:
How Does That Work?
Yeah. Without a community to do the real work for them, the rich would have only what they could make by their own labor. Since they've never done physical work, they have no experience and would likely die out immediately.
I care that they have it and we need it. I care that their existence threatens ours.
top 1% owned 34.6% of the wealth [net worth=wealth=assets - debts];
the next 4% has 27.3% of wealth; 5% - 11.2%;
upper middle 20% - 10.9%;
middle 20% - 4%;
Bottom 40% - 0.2%.
To have significant wealth and power means to be in the
10% who own 73.1 percent of everything.
Wallstreet controls us through government...the government is the tool of the elite. They regulate common folks for their benefit then bitch about pollution regulation...regulate us/ deregulate corpirate powers. Take home repair permits...who benefits from that? Wealthy contracting firms and suppliers...for if you don't spend spend spend or you try to hire a little permit for you...electrical codes are specifically geared toward patented equipment. Many codes are made so a corporation can sell you a product and state in conjunction makes it law. Extend this thought out and you will see seatbelt and regulated sugar laws have to do with health insurance desires...not what the citizens wish. We are nannied so the wealthy can prosper...many corps over a certain size are even exempt from would that be? Because they pushed for the regulation to begin with making certain they don't need to comply while the small guy they have figured out a way to kill competitors without being better than them nor by offering better prices. Constructed tape for some...mainly us. Goodluck fighting them when they are using your own government against you. It is a hostile take- over.