Forum Post: I don't care!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 1:09 a.m. EST by Skippy2
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you are a Dem, a Rep,a Socialist,a Communist, a Tree hugger or a gap toothed mouth breathing porch dweller! It dosn't matter. You are an American. Please band together and DO something. All the veiwpoints I've heard would be well served by voting out ALL Incumbents. Allow me to illustrate...If a Banker with 25yrs at the same bank wished to steal, he has a very good chance. If a Banker with only a few months on the job wishes to steal, he is more likely to get caught. All politicians currently in office are corrupt to one degree or another. From your city council to the Presidency. Toss them all out.
savethe99....I approve this message
To advance this movement we need to Occupy The White House ... and Congress !! .....................
shooz....The only thing a politician cares about is getting reelected to solidify his power. I think if we could stop fighting amongst ourselves and throw out most of the incumbents, that would ring a very large bell. We would have the attention of the rest.
mgbincn......We cant make anything illegal, politicians do that. The politicians now in office wont,so we throw a majority of them out in 2012. If they dont do as we ask,we do it again in 2014. Also, RP as president will not have the backing to do 90% of what he wants to do. A president is not a king, congress has to make the laws he signs
"All the veiwpoints I've heard would be well served by voting out ALL Incumbents."
Agreed. How about we give them the option of having a re-election so we can 'weed' through the ones who sincerely want to help and the ones who have agendas otherwise.
shooz... I'm not a Lbertarian, life long Dem who is sick of being fed crap.
gr57..."if you agree with them" a politician is trained and skilled to tell you what you want to hear. They have polls and focus groups to guide them in what to say. They play us like a piano.
An elected position is intended to be a service to society and a privilege, not a career.
Thats the best idea ive heard all day,