Forum Post: I challenge all Trolls to a duel ! *
Posted 12 years ago on March 31, 2012, 4:03 p.m. EST by FriendlyObserverB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
" Trolls are nothing but cowards. "
Come on trolls, fight with me !
Let the battle begin right now !
I became what I set out to become.
Such is life. Your focus becomes your reality. Each day you set out to follow your plan. The plan is to reach your goal. Without both a plan and a goal you are doomed to stay in the same place you are now.
Take heed, it is not where you stand, but where you are headed that truly matters. Know that you are capable of everything. All you need to do is create a goal and a plan to make it a reality. Focus on the moment, and do exactly what needs to be done to make your plan a success. Become the moment and do it as perfectly as it could be done. If you need, slow the moment down to a speed that insures that the action will be accurate.
Remember, there is no 'try', do or do NOT. Live your life for a purpose, and allow your actions to define who you are. Take responsibility for your actions, and remember that every decision you make will affect the out come of your plan.
Some people try and try to play the piano, but never can. Some try to be athletes, but never can. And some try to comprehend the great mysteries of life and never can.
This is why I tolerate the many who can not understand the benefits of a sales profit cap, or the advantages of an hour- coin. It is beyond their abilities.
You have certain wants for this forum, and so do others here. A sales profit cap in a multi-employer environment, with overheads of thousands of dollars a month will test your resolve.
How much sales profit on spare parts for cars would you propose for a business that rents a shed and storage yard for $3000 a month, with four staff on $900 a week each, plus holiday loading, superannuation, and worker's compensation insurance? Oh, and I forgot the company vehicle.
How does the back- riding middleman justify profit?
When the retailer profits 20% during slow times and 250% during booming times what did the retailer do to earn the additional 230% ?
You can buy direct from the manufacturer now. Apple, Dell, Sage, almost all can be bought direct. Clothes too.
Oops, there goes your sales cap theory. toast! hahaha!
Posts like this are a waste and flood the forum with unimportant posts.
It's bad enough that the "trolls" flood the forum. You're better than this.
Mornin Friendly, I like to think of myself as the liberals "seal team six" glad to see there are others too, maybe I'll stop by and cover your back a bit.
Factsrfun, glad to have you. Bravo delta seal team six!
Your spelling error would attract grammar nazis.
Let em come.
I already know dat
Spelling corrected. Duel.
oh that's why I didn't see it, but I'm really bad speller myself
Will it be a spelling bee?
well played... unless his misspelling was trollbait to lure trolls into his master plan, or just straight trolling. After all i think he is proposing a troll war. Brace yourselves
Do not be afraid of trolls. If you are talking revolution, then you need to be prepared to face every question, every doubter, every detractor.
I think we should have a sales cap!!!
Careful what you wish for.
Well, you probably need to make a list of things you want to challenge trolls on -
Insults or wits. Choose your weapon.
describe a troll?
Right now?
I think we need a cap on trolls. Someone should contact admin and see if it's possible.
All the repetition is getting tiresome. They've been recycling the same crap for over 6 mos now.
Mr. P is even back on their list.
Is there a troll out their capable of forming thought on their own?
A dual duel of trolls??
Does this forum have TVO? I have to go out to dinner......:(
You can not be of the Body OWS. The Body OWS is non-violent and clearly you have spoken sacrilegiously.
You will be absorbed and know the peace of the Body OWS.
aha, the first troll has bitten!
And what makes you brave? Sitting behind a laptop and typing shit does not a brave make? Nor does it make you intelligent or successful for that matter. Why is every OWS hippie so washed up in fake bravado?
I sit behind a keyboard and type. I can't be out physically in OWS until maybe this summer, I'm not a hippie, and i don't have any bravado, fake or real. clearly you must be an amazing, courageous person, sitting behind a keyboard and typing.
Oh I am as brave or coward as the next person. Nothing extraordinary here. But somehow the average OWS hippie thinks he/she far braver and far more moral than the average person.
I don't see the word "brave" in the post, as far as intelligent, God did that, what to check it out?
A duel implies a sense of honor. I think your challenge gives credit to the trolls where none is due.
It does seem to have caught them off guard. Lol
You mean like when you said borrowing money at 1% and lending it at 3% is a 500% markup? Or when you said we should print an additional $15 trillion dollars and payoff our debt? Another ludicrous idea tried by the Weimar republic, which lead to Nazi Germany.
Or the dollar coin silliness you also postulated?
Or the cap on sales profit you floated not knowing profits at mst companies are rarely much over 4-6%?
This stuff you mean?
If you deposit $1000 with your bank and they pay you one percent interest and than they lend the $1000 @ 5% lending rates, they made $50 on $10 dollar investment that is a 400%. You invested the thousand , not the bank.
The rest of it you will never grasp.
Thanks for showing up, here's your pat on the head. ..
Uh what happens if the first borrower goes under? The bank loses $1000. Not $10.
Edit: completely different issue
where is that village idiot, FOB? what a coward, yellow bellied wuss.
Why did your master name you aflockadoofi ? Why didn't your master name you -turd, that's what you are. In fact, why are you on this thread, you're not a troll're a-turd.
"flockadoofi you stinking-TURD"'re master is calling you
Probably puzzling over the concept.
It's beyond their comprehension. As is so much of what OWS is about.
Yep. They have a real hard time with the concept of Health and Prosperity for ALL. Hence they are against regulating Fossil Fuel speculation, at the same time they are against implementing more green power tech which would also further reduce our need for fossil fuel, and if regulated drop the price of fossil fuel. So it seems they would prefer pollution and a weak economy due to the outrageous price of fossil fuel.
Go figure.
They were taught how to disagree , but not how to back it up !
It's just a continuous loop of thought for them.
Go figure :-)
Lost without their supplied talking points which only give them a limited number of responses. How unfair and un-supportive their masters are. To leave them all alone out in the real world. Well that is the real world. HAH.
There is just no honor among trolls and their masters.
Makes you wonder why the trolls allow themselves to be used in such a manner.
Trolls will do anything for a pat on the head.