Forum Post: I cant imagine what your description of a WIN is.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 11:29 p.m. EST by mynameismoe
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WE have already pumped TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of tax dollars for decades into your failed social programs. Today a debt has been created to fund your social programs and they arent working today because you want more. If $15 trillion in debt isnt enough, what debt would be? You've had your chance to run programs into some sort of success story and you continue to fail. Your failure record is remarkable.
There's much to be said about the pros and cons of having a social safety net, but I don't have time for that, so just a question instead. My question is why you don't share the same concern with the fiscal consequences of the trillions and trillions pumped into your even more failed wars? Money spent to avert needless suffering is wasted, but money spent to create needless suffering is cool right?
100% of Morally repugnant hypocrites agree!!
Great question and comment. First, the wars. I'm not smart enough to figure out why people long before America was founded were at war and continue today. One morning things were fine and then 19 terrorists fly planes into buildings. Lots of reasons for that, but all I know is there are lots of people that wants to kill me, my children and their children. For me, I dont like rape rooms where 10 year old girls are held to satisfy an Iraq leader and his sons. I dont like 300,000 people killed with gas (WMD's) and scud missles. I dont like leaders that pull people out of meetings and have them executed in public. Call me crazy,,, but I dont like that. Dont know how to simply just say, "Hey pal,, stop that." but I cant. Maybe you like rape rooms,, I dont. Would be happy if OWS folks could sit down across the table from bad guys in the world and say stop, havent seen it. The only solution is bomb them until you have one ready. Second, I have not heard one republican say END social programs. We have all said, cut back or slow down the amount given. After 50 years of this direction the poor keep getting poorer. If after TRILLIONS spent in THIS COUNTRY (not another one) that we control and there are zero success stories, what is the message? What kind of creeps do what Paterno did?
There is a reason that Paterno decided to not help the kids who Sanduskey would molest after the incident told to him by his assistant. This is the American culture. While Americans wave their flag and go to church, they observe and protect child molesters.The victims of sex crimes are destroyed when they report the crime in America. It happened to Casey Anthony when her father squirmed and lied under oath when he was being examined by defense counsel Baez.
If I was falsely accused by my daughter I would attack. I wouldn't dodge questions. American courts are still practicing the art of witch hunts. No innocent person pays off the accuser or pleads guilty for crimes they didn't commit. If Paterno is charged for his crime, it is less likely this type of thing will happen again. When privileged people know they will be held to account for their crimes, a person like Strauss-Kahn is less likely to be set free after he raped the hotel maid.
The idea that any allegation of past conduct of the victim will protect the perpetrator is irrational and bizarre, but the establishment accepts crimes by the privileged. None of this is secret and its accepted as normal.
Americans are so arrogant that they prefer to not know the truth when they believe molesters and traitors would embarrass them. That's exactly what Michael Moore stated during his question period at the Miami Book Expo. "I don't want to believe that," he replied about the 9/11 Bush attack. The victims cover up to protect the perpetrators. That is irrational and only creeps would lack the dignity to demand justice from the obvious perpetrators.
Steve you have admitted that you are a convicted felon who spent 9 years in prison for extortion. Why are you looking for your next prey here?
You cant win.
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