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Forum Post: I cant believe these fucking companies are still hating the jews..ITSNOT THE "JEWS" PEOPLE

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 4:57 p.m. EST by huemanoun (18)
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The Jews were actually an independant class in nazi germany and the nazis said the same fucking shit about them...that they were keeping the germans down...that they were these sniveling rich hustlers leaching off of people when in reality they were people who were entirely independent because they owned and operated their own businesses that were helped by other families who were also jews supplying their production..so if one jew owned a bakery he had a member of his people who worked on his own farm threshing grain and butchering pigs and chickens and he then supplied his fellow jew with the products which he made into bread and cutlets and sold...they did not rely on any industry at all or any intermediary but controlled and ran a business entirely on their own..the means of production everything..big industry hated this...and after world war 1 many german people came home with nothing and it was during the depression..so the papacy..the royalty empowered hitler and spread all this anti jewish rhetoric to destory that independent class of people and he had them all exterminated by the millions..they did this because many of the jews avoided the great war because they took one look at it and said fuck that..so when the germans that get sucked into came back and they were broke and angry and unappreciated for their service to their country so the furer made them furious with the jews because he pointed at them and said that they were rich and they didnt serve the motherland..they use you to serve it for them...and he made directed a lot of germans angers at a group of people that were above and outside of the states influence...and he got those delusioned people to take them out of their homes and businesses...gassed their children and worked them in factories to death you fucking idiot assholes...,larry silverstein might be a jew but you dont know even know why the fuck these companies spread rumors about blaming the jews

it was because they were against that class that didnt need anything and didnt get paid by some company paycheck but rather made money supplying their own services to the people



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[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Why didn't the Jews run when they told them they would give them a ride in the cattle cars? I thought the Jews were smart.


No chance for progress in America

The media pundits keep telling Americans on TV that we must have globalization, we must only elect Republicans and Democrats, we shouldn't have a class war, we should keep letting the politicians take bribes on the record and kickback favors for those bribes, and the list is a bottomless pit of stupidity,

Only people in a deep trance would be irrational. Americans are so arrogant and hypocritical that they'd prefer being destroyed by the pundits who use propaganda to keep them in a trance around the clock.

Obama has lied about everything he promised us. I don't care what color the president is if he's making decisions that will benefit all Americans with good job opportunities, fair taxation, and a great energy plan.

[-] 1 points by Someone (23) 13 years ago

and yeah, stop with the Jews, you morons. Yes the US and Israel are the prime exporters of terrorism but that is a political problem, not a cultural or religious one. Any immaturity on our part just makes us look stupid.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

look. the blunt truth is that the jews ARE trying to control the world, ARE a fascist state, ARE trying to manipulate the money system, ARE involved in assorted evil plots here there and everywhere- AND...THIS IS NOT AN ARGUMENT OR DISCUSSION TO HAVE ON THIS FORUM NOR IS IT ONE TO BRING UP PROTESTING.

I don't hate jews. I KNOW that there is in fact a fascist zionist conspiracy and that this conspiracy sees non jews as targets for depopulation- which is something all of us should FACE... but NOT on THIS forum and NOT at OWS or any given "OCCUPY'

[-] 1 points by Someone (23) 13 years ago

wow what a great analysis. never heard that idea before.