Forum Post: I cannot comment on any thread......Does anybody else have this problem?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 4:12 p.m. EST by Dutchess
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why can't I comment on anything?
Is there censorhip here?
You just might be..................FULL OF SHIT!
So may you ;) but thats the risk you run when you claim to be the 99% ;)
I rather take the risk than be silenced!
what about you?
hmmmm. Let me think about it.
Yup, you're still FOS!
You obviously care or you would not make an effort to post here ;)
More like glitchy forum boards. It happens to me too. Wait about five minutes.
Cant see you. Can you flash your headlights a couple of time.
Is 'Cant' a word?
and how about 'couple of time'?
Is that a complete sentence or what?
See, there is a reply. Good job.
BTW, I think it is spelled caint. As in Caint git 'er done
Laat maar zitten l(
ah, just playin.... :)
Can't. Sorry. I'm much better at math and stock quotes.
What(')s a loll? I don(')t understand foreign languages.
Laat maar zitten ;)
You commented three times on the rules ten minutes ago; I removed two of the dupes. User lists tell me you're not banned, are you sure you don't have user-side issues with your connection?
thanks officer for trying to help the stranded lady. keep up the good work.
Miscontruing peoples intentions because posts don't show up is not equal to spamming.
This site is not contributing to anything with its desire to control speech.
So you can see your comments, good.
Bad news is that we can see them, too.
appearently.... with enough delay that it causes for administrators to 'modify' and 'control' every move made.
Not impressive in the least.