Forum Post: I Came, I Saw, I left Dissapointed!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 10:12 a.m. EST by lotsofluck
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So, after weeks of thinking about it I finally made the trek to OWS NY. What I was hoping to see was a movement. What I saw looked more like the last 10 minutes of Woodstock. Go home, its over. BTW someone is making money on this website! The masses including me are asses. Thats the way it is.
Most people who support this movement are not in OWS NY parks. Yes human nature is not always great, but to be down on OWS because the people didn't impress you in 10 minutes is hardly looking at the core issues. If we don't take action now, we will settle for something we don't like later.
If you didn't see what you wanted to see why didn't you stay and make the changes you wanted?
Yo're an asshole.
It's winding down. Pull up the stakes and take down the tents. Reality is setting in.
Where is your proof it's winding down?
People are just bored with it now. They realize it's not going forward. Every day it's the same. There's no change. There's no political strategy. There are no accomplishments. There are no defined goals. There's no media coverage.
You can only stare at people sitting in parks for so long before attention stars to wane and people move on.
Again, where is your proof that people are bored with it? YOU may be bored with it, but if that is the case then WHY are you on this forum???
I'm waiting for my nails to dry.
You are STILL here!
So? It's a free country, innit?
Scared yet? The party's over, asshole. It's just a matter of time. Better start shredding documents, criminal.
Yawn. News coverage dwindles. OWS Internet search hits fall. Sounds like its really rockin'. Twinkle Fingers! And call me a greedbot if you agree.
Wishful thinking, greedbot.
Nope, fact...
Interest has steadily fallen. The bump from the Oakland stuff the other day was smaller than the earlier trouble there even though it was more significant. You see the same in Twitter and other trends.
They're twinkle-fingering themselves away into irrelevance.
Thanks for your support.
i understand the OWS brand better than most, and you are on to something. but you are insulting someone that has nothing to do with it. that makes you the ass.
You think happybanker is an honest guy with good intentions?
i think you don't know enough to assume they are part of the OWS leadership.
The masses are not asses. They are people who are doing what they can do to be heard and respected. You, however, are an ass.
This movement was designed to take the spotlight off of obama and his failed agendas. Has anyone noticed that there were ZERO "movements" while Bush was in office? if he was so hated why didnt they protest THEN??????? OWS is a White House operation. The structured plans, the communications network that OWS has used to get the message out was designed in the WH. These protesters are too stupid to get all of this planned with precise timing.
Why now? I think it is because people realize now that it doesn't matter who they vote for. They see Obama basically doing the exact same thing as Bush did. So the only other option is taking things into our own hands and stop relying on politicians to solve all the problems.
And yet, AND YET, you want to close down a 'port' or a 'park' somewhere. "HEY, obama aint at the port or park." "HEY, rich people arent standing in the park or at the port." If you REALLLLYYY want to change things you will get the office address of rich liberal democrats in congress and in Beverly Hills and protest there. If you can bring down the powerful rich liberal democrats in office you will have major control over rich republicans later. The rich dems and rich republicans are laughing at you protesting in PARKKKSSSSS. THEY AINT THERE.
Like i said. We have to stop relying on politicians to solve the problems. (imho) Then why would it matter where they are and if they are laughing or not.
Then the park bench is laughing at you. You dont get it.
Or i just see things differently then you do :p
there were anti-war protest while bush was in office
Dont remember them. So maybe you just brought up a good point. We wont remember OWS too.
OWS = Obama's Winning Strategy.