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Forum Post: I call this Economis Slavery !!! - Peter Jacobs

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 8:40 a.m. EST by PeterJacobs (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Wanting something for ourselves is not necessarily bad. Denying it to others is what breads discontent. The manner in which our capitalistic society is formulated would create automatic scarcity and competition. Supply and demand is not a bad model until it is manipulated.

The top elite (through their corporations) would allow enough blessings (money) to rain down upon the working class to keep them alive but addicted enough to bring them back on a daily basis and enthralled enough to believe in the magic or slight of hand (fiat money and shares in corporations which have value only as long as we believe they do). In this manner the general populace think they are getting ahead when in reality are not.

Just when you made enough to buy two loafs of bread the bread factory owner doubles the price of a loaf of bread but only after the government taxes you at the 27% level and the dollar devalues. The bread loaf factory owners would make over a 1000% more salary and bonus than the nearest manager because theirs is guaranteed by parallel numbers and entitlements all the while our salaries come in as the ticking of sequential time. The capitalist economic cube is controlled from all angles. Whether it be inflation, food dispensary, jobs, fiat money, interest, supply, demand, energy, time, education, diplomas, popularity, 401K or SocSec, etc. All these variables are controlled by the central banks (the Feds). The central banks control the money supply and the scarcity there of. When we feel the scarcity we are actually feeling their whips landing on our backs.

BTW, when I say bread loaf factory owners I am really talking about the incestuous executives and board members who would vote for their own salaries, bonus and severance packages within the company. Of course they maintain at least 51% of voting powers and all A class shares all the while being propped up by the easy money coming in from the 401Ks and other 'investors' in B class shares from Wall Street. Not to mention the likes of bernie madoff.

I find it funny how I work to get my money, to pay taxes on the money I earned, to put into a bank, so that they can make more money on top of my money, all the while giving me peanuts in return.

When we centralize anything we accumulate power into the hands of too few. This is what breeds corruption. All this happens with the blessings and the economic constructs allowed by my government. I don't know for what reasons our fore fathers gave away our voice to representative government. Whether it be due to lack of communications or lack of education the many gave away their voice to the few. These few, with enormous power in their hands, became corrupted absolutely. Now in the Internet age, our desperate voices are becoming united and our educational levels have improved to a level where we can demand back our individual voices in order to get to REAL DEMOCRACY. So the American Spring should be We the People asking back our votes, changing representative government into one vote per one line item legislation. This will guarantee that never again our voices, our votes, can be misrepresented and sold to corporations by the faceless few.

We are the government people. We are! The World belongs to we the many and not the elite few with trillions in their accounts. They hide, they work from behind the scenes. Please smart people look at how our society is going down because of corruption.

Wars? what for. Give me one good reason I should give my hard earned dollar to wars when we could be educating our future generations, investing in health care and space exploration. All better reasons than war.

Another example would be our totally upside down value system which would afford millionaire salaries to football players and other sports figures. We are the addicted ones that would allow them so much power over us as we stare at the bright light of our TV sets. This is advertising and has nothing to do with creating value within our society. I would much rather a millionaires salary go to teachers and farmers. At least they both feed our minds and bodies. The Roman emperors did this to their Roman people in order to hand them the slight of hand. Keep them enthralled and they won't notice they are being raped and fleeced.

Our wars are nothing more than the expansion of centralization. Fall in line or die. Plug yourself into the system or be eliminated. You are an alkaline battery and your life has value only as long as you can push the wealth up the ladder. Billions pushing up the wealth into the centralizing few guarantees their comfort and survival.

Our government would sell us exactly the opposite all the while redistributing public wealth into the hands of the elite few. Reagan called it trickle down economics and bush called it TARP. Whatever name they call it we got SCREWED royally. This is what the American Spring means to me. It won't be long now before they start spraying then with real bullets.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by PeterJacobs (2) 13 years ago

Economic Slavery is very real. You get to play in the the sandbox you are given. Our capitalist system is not a bad system. We just need to take the corruption and incest out.

Separate corporate America from Government. Not allowed to receive donations. You are handed a government budget for campaigning and everybody get the same budget.

True democracy now. No more representative government. Direct vote via the Internet by we the people on line item legislation. No more pork barreling and gravy trains. No more handing public money to corporate elites. Too big to fail is too big to allow. Government should come back to her root of being about and for We the People.

The federal reserve and central banks should be made to publish line item accounting of fund printed, lent, and interest paid and received. Said interest MUST go into our public coffers. Federal Reserve MUST BE THE PEOPLE's and not belong to the extreme elite.

Peter Jacobs

[-] 1 points by Dontbedaft (155) 13 years ago

Business owners are the salt of the earth

[-] 1 points by PeterJacobs (2) 13 years ago

Dontbedaft. Business owners (real business owners) are truly the salt of the earth in providing services and jobs for society. They create value. The problem is when corruption and incest takes hold thereby not allowing others. Usually this happens when their corporations go public and into wall street. Not to mention when these corporations start their donations and lobbying of our government.