Forum Post: I and We and the World, Part 2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 9:04 a.m. EST by oneof7billion
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So how should have the power if it’s obviously not save in human hands?
I don’t want to justice about humans. I’m one by myself and work the same way. Sometimes I become desperate about that. I’m not even able to clear my own personal little wars so how should the world be able to solve the big problem of human being. But I don’t want to believe that I’m not able to and I work on it every day, otherwise I have to say: we aren’t able to. And the human race would be darn to kill them self and the worlds nature, on sound mind. It’s sad that we call our self an intelligent live form.
But where is the problem? Now we have a new revolution this time by American people. How they can make a change without repeating the mistakes of the past? Leaders are always big Egos. We need them or not? If we say we don’t need them we also have to go the next step. Take the responsibility for all of us by our self. That doesn’t work if everybody just thinking about them self. Sorry but if I read some of the massages of the Wall Street Occupy demonstrators, it’s always I lost MY job; government fucks ME, what about MY education, AMERICAN PEOPLE stand up. What about the rest of the world? There are some countries in the third world that have bigger problems with American banks and their big companies then you guys in New York City. So if American people and WE the people of the world not want to be pranked by the next big Men who snatch for the power out of OUR angry chaos, we have to stop thinking in I and start to see the WE.
There are many questions left WE have to think about. The main ones are at moment:
How we can live together on this world without destroying it?
How we can have a fair life for everybody?
How we will be able to resolve OUR problems, like pollution, hunger, water and space to live?
Who gets the power?
The last point is the main problem. Until today nearly everybody who had them turns into an egocentric asshole. It’s not a big secret and many books tell about it. Everybody knows the Lords of the Rings. Why Gandalf didn’t want to take the ring of the power? Because he knows what happen to him if a strong mind like him gets it and only the small unimportant Hobbit is able to carry it. “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” where they was searching for the leader of the universe, the main power was in the end by an old crazy man who suffered on forgetfulness. Because the Power should be owned by the one who doesn’t want it.
But there are many big minds out in this world who speaks better English then me. WE all could start to think about what WE people of the world like to do and everybody should do what are his talents. My Ego told me to write this text into germen language, because I would be able to create high quality script, twisting the words and my teacher would be very proud at me for this intelligent expression of my language. But all you people wouldn’t understand me. So I write in broken English in very simple words to the world because my recognition is not important. If we want fairness for all people in the world and OUR mother earth we should start to speak in WE and forget the shit about personal and individual lifestyle and all the other shit the commercial brake and our Facebook account is promising us.
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One of 6,93 Billions Homo sapiens