Forum Post: I am the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 8:49 a.m. EST by TheGreasyPole
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Hi Guys,
Well, I looked up my income. I head a department in my (non-financial) company, so I also get a bonus. (although this is only the first year I have held this role).
If I get the 2nd level of my bonus this year.... I will squeek into the 1% by income category for my country (I am from the UK).
But I wouldn't be here if my country hadn't provided the assistance I needed to get up here...
I received grants, not loans, that paid all my university tuition and some living expenses.
I received government student loans that paid my accomodation and food
Loans I only have to pay back if my income is over $25k a year and only ever at a maximum of 9% of my income over $25k a year.
I receive healthcare provided by my government that means if I lose my job, or have any kind of disaster befall me or my family, all healthcare required will be provided with not one additional penny contributed from me.
I have laws that protect my job and mean I cannot be fired at will and that all efforts must be made to retain me and I get a severance package if made compulsorily redundant.
I read the stories on "We are the 99%" and want to weep for how uneccessary the situation is for many of you. There but for the grace of god go I. My parents are lower middle class (Sellf-Emp Hairdresser and Supermarket Manager). They couldn't afford to pay for US rates of tuition, and I couldn't either. If I lived in the US I wouldn't be where I am. I can tell you that. Although I am the 1%.... I know in my heart I am really just one of the 99% who has been extraordinarily lucky.
If your government provided for you what my government provided for me 90%+ of the impossible situations I read the 99% are in would have been entirely avoided.
In my country taxes on people like me pay for this. For healthcare for all (no co-pays). For (when I was at uni) tuition fees, and for reasonable student loans that are setup so that only those successful on the back of them have to pay. For worker protections.
In your country taxes on people like me should pay for this too.
And I'm not in some socialist utopia.... I live in the UK... probably the 2nd most capitalism orientated large developed country after the US. There is no reason the US couldn't do the same, no reason at all.
Hell, I'd be happy to pay more taxes in my country to help the 99% in the UK... and my taxes are higher than what the equivalent American would pay by a long shot.
Despite being one of the 1% I am with you, not with my "economic class".
In the developed nations of the 21st C.... No child should go hungry or without winter clothes.... No parent should have to choose between food or medical care for them or their children.... No person from a poor family who has the intelligence to go to university should be slammed with a $30-$50-$100k debt as part of their attempt to make a better life for themselves........ Veterans should be treated with respect and have full compensation provided for their injuries.... A full time job should pay enough for a single parent to care for thier family (thats 1 full time job.... Not 1 full-time + 2 part-time to scrape by).
I can't join you in your protests because I am still working all the hours I can. But I can send you money, and have done so.
I want you all to know that this system is SO FUCKING UNFAIR that even some of the 1% can see how unfair it is. Your coalition is BIGGER than the 99%...... it's the 99% + the small portions of the 1% who still have a conscience.
Tax us, so that you have the chances in life I had.
I hope we get to see democracy return in both your country and mine. Real democracy where 1 person has 1 vote....not where each $ gets one vote.
Best of luck to you all. I just hope that we still live in a world where people power CAN still overcome monied interests.
Because it's no good if I just pay a something.... I want to pay that something and see other people, in the same situation I am in, pay something too.
And we do...... every day......... in the UK. And our 99% HAVE healthcare. People aren't going without their cancer medication in MY country.
The right wing hate machine calls your situation "European socialism" and is actively and vociferously engaged in spreading the idea (through it's bought and paid for media machine) that this is to be avoided, that it will be the ruin of our great nation... Meanwhile, "American socialism" is Our government in action... Here's what their brand of "socialism" is about:
Subsidies to Big oil Subsidies to Big Ag (monopolies, chemical soaked frankenfoods, patents on dna, etc. etc.)Refusing to allow a "free market" to choose if it want's GMO's Big money tied to our "fourth estate" in other words, NO FREEDOM OF THE PRESS people. Corporations are "people" with the Citizens United decision Central Banking (the FED which is NOT a federal government entity, but a for- profit PRIVATE banking entity Corporate law is structured with a MANDATE to profit. Inherently unethical.
Consumer groups and third parties in politics are completely ignored (Green Party?) Bail outs to big banks (here's your "safety net" and entitlements, boys!) No bid contracts to "cronies" at Haliburton, Immelt, Diebolt, GE to make weapons of war ) ( incentives to spur on these endless wars ) Government subsidized student loans going to overpriced "for profit" education at shady "universities" that lack accreditation, preying on the uninformed. (see "College, Inc.") No "public option" in healthcare, and government subsidies to private, for profit health insurance companies.
Fear mongering and the meshing of religious interests and national interests. Fear mongering and the threat of disease Fear mongering and the threat of rising price of gas Fear mongering and the threat of no social security Fear mongering and the threat of no health care
Lobbyists are the pimps who facilitate the transaction between corporate whores and our "elected" representatives. They scratch out laws when it doesn't suit their financial interests (look at Cheney's gutting of the Clean Air and Water Act, so that "fracking" could take place).... For another, check out the gutting of Dodd-Frank
"representatives" themselves are wealthy... heavily invested in private, corporate interests, and we all heard it: "corporations are people, my friend", (Mitt Romney)
Gerrymandered districting Refusing to invest in infrastructure (no profit in repairing roads and schools)
Individual's votes have been neutralized.
Amen to that; I'd say I'll probably be your American analogue in a decade or so; I'm currently working on an engineering degree at MIT, but my father is a unionized bakery worker and my mom is a teacher who quit to homeschool my sister and I. I am acutely aware of the importance of government in providing basic needs for the poor and offering youth a shot at something better than what their parents have, and it's quite lamentable that the situation had to get to where it is now before people started mobilizing to turn it around.
"Tax us"? Why don't you save everyone the trouble and just cut the gubmint a check?