Forum Post: I Am Thankful For...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 2:52 a.m. EST by pinki
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hello everyone!
No matter what side you are on, I want to ask you to write three things you are thankful for.
This has nothing to do with who is on what side. There is no motive behind this post. I just wanted to lighten the mood a little bit.
At the end of the day, we are all looking for the same things in life: happiness, love, etc. We all just have different ways and ideas on how to get there.
Here is my list:
I am thankful for the troops that are oversees fighting for us.
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful for my good health
What is on your list? :)
I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for my friends. I'm thankful for whoever invented the chocolate eclair ice cream bar.
1.not having to defend my property title from foreign invasion
2.wide paved streets
3.freedom of speech
Troops overseas fighting for you? What are they getting for you?
I appreciate you posting, however, the point of this thread is not to get in to a heated discussion or to ask questions such as this one. Please, post what you are thankful for if you intend to keep posting. I really want to keep this thread light-hearted and stop for a second to think of the things we do have, instead of what we don't have.
I know there are many people with differences of opinions on here, but I wanted to find a way for everyone to come together on one thing and that is to find three things you are thankful for.
If you may ask though, I am thankful for the troops oversees fighting for my freedom and safety. I realize other people may have different views on this as well, but I am thankful for them and that is all that matters. Please, let's stay on topic.
Thank you :)
If you sleep easier at night knowing the arabs under your bed won't get ya, then I guess they're doing their job.
What are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for your good attitude.
That's not sarcasm.
In all seriousness, I really wasn't being sarcastic. I am curious to know. You, like I, are a human being. I am sure you have things you are grateful for too. :)
Have good night! I'm out for tonight.
There's too much to list.
I'm thankful: ~For the hope... that my family and other people like us might see a future they deserve ~For the solidarity that people have maintained through many challenges (I'll be out there too, soon) ~For the life I am able to live and the choices I am able to make ~For all the people close to me who I love and support and who love and support me.
I am thankful that I have a butt and a toilet to poop in. That is all.
Oh yes, and Dasani water. Because when I go to the store to get some and it's the last case on the shelf, I am soooo thankful.
health, hot water, powder days. Not in that order
1) Freedom and all those who support it 2) My loved ones 3) My education 4) My work ethic
1) I am thankful for my family. 2) I am thankful for my country 3) I am thankful for you
Best wishes,
The Boogieman