Forum Post: I am new to the movement and would like to share some thoughts and concerns..
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 5:25 a.m. EST by Platosapology
from Houston, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am new here and will be lending my support to the cause. I have been researching and following ows since it began. I believe we are at a unique place in our history and I am excited that we are finally standing together with one voice. I have seen movements before but they lacked solidarity..they lacked the passion and will...
Where they failed, I believe we can succeed. I have some concerns that I would like to bring to the forum in hopes that some here may be able to address them and stregthen the movement.
-the recent media blackout It is absolutely happening. It is the single most important means of gaining support. I believe the leadership here should address this immediately. All ows supporters and members should do their best to use all media necessary to let everyone around the world know we are not going anywhere- and that we are growing stronger by the day. If we have learned anything from our brothers and sisters overseas it is that SOLIDARITY is ultimately what will bring about change.
-the coming winter There are many naysayers who believe we will go quietly into the night once the weather turns. I want to encourage everyone in NY and in the northern areas to hold strong. Our forefathers sacrificed much in the name of freedom and now it falls to us to carry the torch. I want to encourage all members and supporters to aid those in your areas now before the weather comes in. It is vital they see our will cannot be broken by the weather...that they cannot wait us out in hopes we will leave. Instead, let them see us grow. Our voice will become louder still and our will fortified.
-seeing it through until the end I read the letter posted here from our friends in Egypt. It should serve as a reminder of what it will take for this change to take place. It will not be easy. There will come a day when everything will come to a head...history teaches us this. Like our friends in Egypt, we will have a decision to make. Will we see it through? For too long they have sent our loved ones overseas in the name of freedom, some never to return. I have had more family than I could count sent to fight wars only to return to a place where their own freedom and future has been robbed from them. Will we not fight for their freedom?
I am no advocate of violence. Solidarity alone can affect change. If history is our teacher, then let us not kid ourselves. It was not handed over lightly to our brethren in Egypt and so it will be for us.
They are already taking steps to ensure the movement does not grow any further. If they can take away our generators from peaceful protestors and have graduated from pepper spray to bean will no longer cover the movement and there is a planned shut down of tv and radio scheduled soon (a homeland security test?)...the question to all this is why?
As I stated before, solidarity alone is our strength. Stay strong. We are with you
I'd like to be the first to welcome you. Not having media support is a detriment but should change, hopefully in the near future. I read on here a few days ago someone is trying to put together interviewees for a television broadcast, hopefully worldwide. I hope he pulls it together. As far as winter is concerned, we have the one thing all other protests lacked in the past: the internet (although that's not a total given, like the so-called homeland security "test"). The net will keep us together, unless they shut it down. There is that upcoming censorship legislation which is a concern. One more thing. Definitely check out some of the other OWS-related websites and forums, you won't get the full picture here. We've already lost some good people because they got a negative impression from this site, although that was before it got more moderated. Here's some links; check them out: