Forum Post: I am living the American Dream. I reject the notion that OWS is for the lazy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 4:08 a.m. EST by fixwallstreetnow
from San Francisco, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have a great job that I created for myself after years of struggle, and some huge risks. I'm not the "profiled" OWS protester. But I believe in the movement more than anyone.
I don't want America to go from the beacon of the world to the doorstep, which is where Wall Street and the banks are taking us. 34% of all corporate profits are going to one sector of the economy - finance - a sector that produces nothing. John Paulson as an individual made 4.5 Billion last year in profit, more than Coca Cola THE WHOLE COMPANY. You don't see anything wrong with this? Its the finance robber barrons that are destroying us all. They have created a system where they take our deposits and gamble, and they never leave the casino empty handed because the US govt is their bookie.
Its not the haves vs. the have nots. Its the robbers vs. the people wanting to make an honest difference and an honest dollar in America.
We need to regulate finance!
Repeal the capital gains tax law that GWB signed and Obama extended. I'm generally anti-taxation, but that one in particular is what I blame for a lot of our problems.
thank you! so many don't understand the movement. flyers to help convince non-occupiers to occupy!
Here, here.
Prosecute the guilty, stop covering up DOJ needs to do its job.
That's not class warfare, it is the rule of law & justice.