Forum Post: I am in the 99% and ows does not speak for me
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 5:44 a.m. EST by RayinPenn
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
C Here is why? 1. The bailout ?(TARP) worked. The government got every penny back and the banking system continued to function. I work for a large bank and I can assure you I and all of my colleagues didn't get a dime of government money. 2. My wife and I saved for years before we bought a modest home that we could afford, we worked hard, and paid off the mortgage early. 3. I attended a state university and kept he cost to a minimum. It was not easy but I paid off my student loans. And I didn't whine about it. 4. I expect nothing from my government other than to stay out of the way. 5 My protest will come in the way in a vote against the current ineffective administration.
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