Forum Post: I am greatly alarmed when a site like this alters what is typed...RON P A U L is changed to Ron Lawl.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 11:11 p.m. EST by Dutchess
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don't trust anything and although I am with the sentiment of the Occupy movement, this could very well be a govt set up with huge govt infiltration , especially in light of the fact there is already censorship on the one candidate that has been speaking of great truths , especially in light of the Federal Reserve which has shown to have given 16 trillion of the taxpayers money to foreign banks.
What a disappointment! and What a give away this might be total monitoring and grooming for some alternative agenda.
Does this mean there is no Ron Lawl?
Who is Lawn Roll? ;)
The Great John Galt?
Sociopaths are awesome.
You might enjoy:
Who's Ron Paul, sorry I mean Ron Lawl?
I just know that Ron Lawl seemed like one helluva guy.
Ron P aul
No, Ron Paul.
HA. That's awesome. I wonder what other easter eggs are hidden around here.
Bless you, Anonymous. Troll on, crazy diamonds.
Expect us... to welcome you to the machine.
Lawn Roll 2102!
don't claim to be the 99%...that goes right out the window.
And why not? The only thing for certain about the 99% is that it's inclusive. Ergo, the only people around here who're opposing "We Are The 99%" are folks like you who'd like to kick people out of it.
The 99% includes Anon. It holds trolls and assholes and douchebags in its multitudes. There are rapists and child molesters in here too. That's how it's made.
My lolling at Paul gets me kicked out of your treehouse? No worries, I've got my feet on the ground. Do you?
Oh man...there goes the public school system again ;)
I am alarmed when idiots put blogs supporting Ron Lawl. Poop On Ron. I would like to get some Ron Lawl toilet paper.
I think Lawn Roll is going to be the new product from Quilted Northern, by Georgia-Pacific, a Koch industries subsidiary. :)
Ron Lawl is getting about 1% support in his presidential campaign. How ironic is that?
really? Try and look things up a little before you speak: These are some of the straw poll results for Ron PauI:
New Hampshire - 11% - 2nd Washington - 30% -1st Phoenix - 36% - 1st Sacramento - 36% - 1st Los Angeles County - 53% - 1st South Carolina - 51% - 1st Ohio - 53% - 1st Iowa - 1st Alabama - 45% - 2nd Illinois - 52% -1st
see the results for all the polls at:,_2012
Straw polls are not a measure of anything. Run by private organizations, they are not subject to public oversight or verifiability.
keep drinking the koolaid
Ooooooo! They're coming to get me.
(get out the rubber suit)
That nimrod wants to eliminate FEMA. FEMA seemed to work fairly well before Bush was APPOINTED to the oval office and set about taking it apart.
Now that President Obama is in office it seems to work fairly well again - so long as the repelicans in Congress can be cornered into maintaining its funding.
keep on dreaming baby..How is that Patriot Act coming along for ya...not to speak of the crotch groping and the CIA spying in New York on Muslims under Obama?
hows that patriot act going for me? well. . . .
I haven't been arrested yet - and I do keep insisting that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would look very handsome were he attired with a hand axe,
planted smack dab in the middle of his forehead . . . .
and frankly I was more worried about the possibility of arrest in 2007 and 2008 than I am now . . .
As far as the CIA spying on Muslims in New York, I got a news flash for ya - the program isn't new. My hope is that given the added layer of eyes staring it may become more difficult to . . .
how do I say it . . .
engineer radicalization?
maybe time to read Glenn Greenwalds blog on and pick up his book on the Two Tier Justice system " With liberty and justice for some'
Btw. Glenn Greenwald is on the left side of the political spectrum and a Constitutional attorney and civil liberties advocate!!!!!
Don't get me wrong. I'm all in favor of folks like the ACLU - but the fact is that no one is talking about accidental engineering, human engineering, or the fact that we have the capacity to radicalize any wingnut - like Jared Lee Loughner - and send them laughing into the abyss while the rest of us run screaming . . .
Troll Thread
excuse me? pointing out censorship and than labelling it as 'troll thread' is trolling in my opinion!
Isn't he on the United States House Committee on Financial Services? He seems closer to the problem, with the Federal Reserve, than any of us. If he couldn't save our bacon, from the naughty Federal Reserve, on that Committee, what is he going to do as President?
He recently got on AFTER HIS BI partisan bill with Alan Grayson exposed the horrendous 16 trillion missing,.
Come on people....don't prove the failure of the public schoolsystem right!!!!!!!!!!!\
The federal reserve HAS BEEN AUDITED! 16 trillion dollar THEFT! BANKER PARTY!
Dutchess, I would check his list of campaign contributors, before I put any faith in Ron Lawl going after social welfare intended for the likes of Citigroup. [grin] I appreciate your conviction, but this audit amounts to political theater, until there is a demonstration of otherwise. S! MJ
here you go, watch this vid to see which corporations own ron pauI and these other candidates.
I pull up the FEC reports. I've checked them. If you want to allude to something why don't you come out and state it. We can go over the FEC report line by line if you find something you don't like.
How about it?
Do you deny that his campaign has received money from Citigroup and Citibank, NA? Check the July quarterly Filed 07/15/2011.
Yes I do because corporations don't directly give money.
What you are looking it is a list of donors by employer. What you are alluding to is that it is morally wrong for a citizen of the US to donate money to a person they support if they work at X where X is a financial institution?
If you want to look where corporate money comes from you have to look at two places - PAC's (Political Action Committee) formed by the Corporation - you can look at the FEC records there and anything that is done via a bundler (which is much harder to find).
In fact my donations are recorded there under my employer that does not mean my employer had anything to do with me donating money.
What I am alluding to, is that they are not giviing the money, because they think he will hurt their interests.
Ahh I see. I agree with that Paul will not subsidize bank's risk with taxpayer funds.
Well, in actuality, I do not think that he will take action against the banks, at all Febs. I will believe that it is all political theater, until I see otherwise. Best of luck, on the campaign.
Thank you. I've watching Paul for decades now and there is no doubt in my mind a man willing to be a lone voice for thirty years will do what he says he will do.
i think the post is about the movement leadership behavior. editing the forum and suppressing free speech. Ron P a u l is hardly offensive or hate driven language.
this site is not run by the GA it is run here >
he has some good ideas especially on foreign policy - ending the wars and dealing with iran in a rational way but his ideas about money and free markets are insane - and what about health care - buy insurance or die! you need to address that if you want to have any credibility
they are .........insane?
let me spell it out for you.
1)Your income tax solely goes to pay interest for private gain to the private and independent Federal Reserve (which operates under the disguise of being...federal) for money the Federal Reserve never had in the first place but merely ordered the Treasury Dept to print of the press.
Ron Lawl wants to eliminate income tax! The taxes that come out of YOUR paycheck and go to the very PRIVATE hands you are demonstrating with the Occupy movement.
By eliminating income tax....the Deficit will be REDUCED by a trillion.
Maybe educate yourself ..........first?
i should educate myself - a bit hostile don't you think? $.54 of every tax dollar goes to the military (and most of the rest goes to huge corps and the rich) - social security is not part of the budget - a stand alone entity as i am sure you know. mr paul would agree with me here i think. so how much of my tax dollar goes to pay interest for private gain to the fed? sounds convoluted but that is what you said! what you say has little to do with the issues i raised - if you are a believer in free markets this will be too long and boring a conversation. you are complaining about the fed - control over the central bank is the problem not the bank itself. income taxes should go to provide the services the population wants and needs - again control over the taxes is the problem not the taxes themselves. we need democracy not an end to income tax. did you address health care - i missed it if you did. he is foolish and seems so are you - can't even have a reasonable conversation. that said i would love to hear the answer to my questions - even if you are angry - i will say this about ron's supporters - they are fanatics - i have had too many conversations with his people at the park and they are passionate - they usually walk away as the people around realize that they have missed part of the story and don't have the answers to certain basic question - kind of like a religion it seems.
Agreed on the Wars and Military spending a 100% ( and of course that includes RP)
'income taxes should go to provide the services the population wants and needs'
It should but it doesn't. It goes solely to pay interest on money the Fed never had in the first place. Maybe time to pick up a book on the topic as I did?
Your gasoline taxes go to roads. Your property taxes goes to the public school system..etc etc. Your income tax goes to private profits to the unconstitutional middle man!
Ron P a u l , Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich...all whistleblowers on the Federal Reserve agree on FOUR major issues.
1) Civil Liberties 2) U.S foreign policy and the wars and military spending 3) the National Debt 4) the Federal Reserve!
The Bi partisan Audit the Fed bill by Alan Grayson (D) and Ron P a u l (R) was diluted in the Senate by Bernie Sanders. Here is the result.
The federal reserve HAS BEEN AUDITED! 16 trillion dollar THEFT! BANKER PARTY!
Please check with Bernie Sanders website also
Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know."
Rep. Alan Grayson: You Own the Red Roof Inn, Thanks to the Fed
Dennis Kucinich: Federal Reserve No More "Federal" Than Federal Express!
Ron P a u l Grills Bernanke
Ron P a u l And Ralph Nader Together On The Situation Room
Everything you to be refuted by these interviews and house floor footage.
Fact is......The American People deserve the very CORPORATISM that is destroying this nation. It is ONE party system.
And is tempting to walk away from stupidity! At some point its a self fullfilling prophecy.
btw, I am a Kucinich liberal.
Who would Kucinich pick as his running mate ? R o n P a u l!!!!
agreed we have a one party system - i will look at what you sent when i have time but how can you say -"It goes solely to pay interest on money the Fed never had in the first place. Maybe time to pick up a book on the topic as I did?" - right after you agreed that $.54 goes to the military etc - the fact that we agree that it should go to services we need and want but doesn't tells you the problem in my opinion - we need democracy! can you give me a number for the tax dollars that goes to pay interest to the fed - gotta go to work now - wage slave - well i teach tennis - self employed so i guess i am a capitalist! i like this less angry - i might learn something - maybe not!
The INCOME tax goes to PRIVATE profits.
The money for Military spending is BORROWED from China!
But you interest on to the Federal Reserve for PRIVATE gain solely!
The Federal Reserve GUARANTEES the money but does NOT have the Money. All they do is tell the Treasury to print it when China guarantees the loan.
so you are saying that the military spending is borrowed - why not the other way around - i don't think you really understand what you are saying - i will try again later. i understand about china but you need to read "super imperialism" - they are screwed because of the debt we owe them - china is forced to buy our treasuries with the dollars we send them - the system was worked out during vietnam - has nothing to do with the fed
"It is unfortunate, but understandable, that young people in the United States are not taught (in the government's schools) the history and operation of their country's most powerful financial institution, The Federal Reserve System. Created in 1910, codified by Congress in 1913 (along with the personal income tax), this "system" facilitated the US government's ability to inflame the nation's citizens for the purpose of supporting the European war of 1914-1918 (World War I). Warfare provides a source of immense borrowing and provides banking corporations with huge profits in the form of interest income. Several of these same Wall Street banks financed Adolph Hitler two decades later."
just read the chomsky article - there is nothing in there that changes anything we have said to each other - you need to try to understand where we disagree and respond to that! not run off on some 16 trillion thing that is not relevant to the main issue - control of the fed is the issue not the fed itself
the 16 trillion is not in dispute - nader is not on board with ron and chomsky is not a nader guy - you need to read something other than the Ron Lawl bible - i talked to a couple of guys at the ows in nyc and they were pushing the same line - we mostly agree that the fed is part of the problem and should be under democratic control but ending the fed will not solve the problems that you think it will. if you want to help this movement then you need to expand your reading list - what you said about chomsky shows a lack of understanding
i know more than you realize - you did not answer my questions - read chomsky and get back to me - ending the fed will not change the nature of the state - civil war??????
Read Chomsky on..what? The fed? I would place Chomsky to be a Ralph Nader guy ...And Ralph Nader thinks like Ron Paul when it comes to the fed!
Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts
October 13, 2011 by She speaks.... Leave a Comment
This article was posted by Noam Chomsky on July 21st, 2011.
you need to get a grip - gov'ts have fought wars since long before your hated fed - you need some help here - civil war ring a bell - greenbacks etc - you are obsessed with the fed - back off and read about the bigger picture
I have been following the Fed for at least the past five years, after I read a book on it.
Most Americans today, like yourself are clueless as to how we got here.
Alan Grayson (D) and Ron P aul (R) created a BI partisan Audit the Fed bill last year.
It was diluted by Bernie Sanders from a total audit to a partial audit.
The results are to be found on Bernie Sanders website.
This vid gives a short describtion for those who have been clueless....
The federal reserve HAS BEEN AUDITED! 16 trillion dollar THEFT!
Maybe pick up that book?
Or examine the clips I posted a couple of days back?
you are kidding right - the fed is responsible for the wars we fight - no need to explain to me about the military industrial complex but you have an obsession with the fed and you should try to get a better understanding of how the world works - yes - we agree - the fed facilitates many things that go on in this country that are not good for working people but - john jay (long before the fed was ever conceived said "those that own the country should govern it" - this is the basic problem don't you think?
Wars require money. Without the Fed, the Military Industrial would not stand a chance to use the taxpayer and the U.S Military for the gain of private profits.
So in all essence the Fed ( which has Wallstreet sitting on its federal reserve boards around the country) is a private and Independent agency under disguise of being federal. Its the financial tool to make the cycles of booms and bust and warmachine possible. At the center of any war are the banks.
... so why dont we put bernie sanders up for president... he was the one that actually got the fed audited in the first place.
Man oh man.....Let me EDUCATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
WHO created the Audit the Fed bill???????????
Ron P a u l and Alan G r a y s o n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHO DILUTED the original version???????????
Bernie Sanders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Ron Lawl Supporters, please donate here:
Help the cause.
Huh? Well, is there any serious censorship? That's what really matters, in all fairness, although I agree changing what people have to say on a serious issue is not cool.
Ron Lawl. ron P A U L
Oh yeah, it does change it. Pretty serious stuff. How do we know they are not changing other stuff? The majority that runs this site should not be imposing their opinion like that. That is not cool at all, I am very disappointed with them.
some of Ron PauI's straw poll results:
New Hampshire - 11% - 2nd; Washington - 30% -1s;t Phoenix - 36% - 1st; Sacramento - 36% - 1st; Los Angeles County - 53% - 1s;t South Carolina - 51% - 1st; Ohio - 53% - 1st Iowa - 1st; Alabama - 45% - 2nd; Illinois - 52% -1st
see the results for all the polls at:,_2012
I share your concerns..Especially when the main voice of alternative media is also restricted.. Let us not tollerate any crazy conspiracy theories..Forum rules and G Bush
I've never had anybody point one single thing that is wrong with Ron PauI. All these non-supporters say is he's a "lunatic" or "too extreme", without giving any justification of why they think so.
How can any America know all this and not agree with him. If his points are "too extreme", then wake up people........ we need extreme measures to get out of this "extreme mess" we are in.
I don't think it means anything. I think it's cute and meaningless. Ron P aul supporters are a bit fanatical and so why not poke a little fun at them. I support Ron P aul and it doesn't bother me at all as it doesn't effect his message in the slightest.
Its not about Ron P aul. Its about the censorship!
Occupy Wall Street is not a Government Agency.
Nope it is not. But I was not advocating Free Speech which is a concept that applies to the government and pertains public domain. Instead I was pointing out censorship by a private movement that CLAIMS to represent the 99%!
Pwn Lulz 2011
The problem with amiable Ron is his wish to dismantle the government of rules-of-the-road for democracy. Ron does not recognize that we need a government to defend our rights to our labor and protection of it through a collective bargaining that makes it viable. This right is what separates us from serfdom and slavery.
Meak Ron drop the GOP
Vote for Ron as Direct Democracy President here...or Max Keiser or Jessee Ventura...or nominate your Uncle, Aunt or yourself...for Mayor, Governor, or President of the United States
Ron Lawl
hah! awesome! Can we word filter obama to obummer as well?
If you had all the power and money, what would you do?
Yeah isn't it sad, no matter who you support, it makes a joke of the ows movement.
Ron Lawl
Wow. I knew this was "movement" was going to start showing its true colors. I'm surprised it happened so fast.
Since the say the comment, troll thread, is too short, I will just say that this post is put together somewhere all these people get together and sit in the same room to brainstrom, or morelike brainsqall, this nonsense together, and then they all jump on the bandwagon with their posts. Pretty obvious. By the way, Ron Lawl is one of the 1%.
Ron Paul. test
Ron Lawl .......unless you are an admin I guess!
Two spaces between Ron and Paul.
Ron Paul ;)
Ron Lawl.
Why does it do that?
Barack Obama. Election. Herman Cain. Ron Lawl. Ralph Nader. Mit Romney. They say it is all of them, but it is a lie. It's only Ron P aul.
This site tried to oppress me; it deleted me I think. But I persevered against all odds and rose from the ashes like a phoenix.
Ok, all I did was create a new account.
You didn't just create a new account, you re-occupied. There is something to be said for the rocks that refuse to move.
Read the freakin rules, Troll.
the freaking rules, troll allow for every other name to be mentioned.
I guess you're too lazy to actually click on the rules button. Let me spoon-feed it for you, troll
"We do not support an election campaign for 2012. At all. We have removed election material for Obama, Paul, Warren, Paul, Cain, Paul, Perry, Paul, the green party, Paul, Nader, Paul, and did I mention Paul? The spamming by the Ron Lawl 2012 fan club was getting out of hand. We will continue to remove such material and any call for the Paul 2012 campaign will, at this point, be considered spamming. End of. We're tired of hearing about it. Main street debates are also largely off topic."
Wait a minute. I am too lazy when it is you who cannot comprehend the actual ISSUE I am bringing up?
The issue is not RonPaul but the fact it is the only name that is altered and censored.
if people cannot freely participate regardless of their views, this is not the 99% movement and you will vastly deteriorate into a statist group.
I agree. I am a heavy supporter of OWS, but this sort of censorship is outrageous!
I don't see clear mention of Ron Paul.
you know it..
Its because this is a fascist soros run website
nothing to see here folks. i'm not alarmed i am relieved. many of Ron Lawls positions are very awesome but many of them are plumb wingnuts.
time to get over it and man up.;_Intellectual_and_Social_Tools_For_High_Order_Problems.#Mission_Statement
Contents [hide]
Whatt?? you did not get the meaning of my post either? Its the fact speech is altered.\ to suit a certain agenda!!!!
what? you did not get the meaning of that alteration? its the fact that we are sick and tired of listening to ron supporters and their agenda- when everyone whos bothred to pay attention grasps that ron is an enemy of the people.
I am sick and tired of indoctrinated people who CANNOT research for themselves and never investigate one bit!
Dennis Kucinich asked about Ron Lawl on Free Minds TV
Ron Lawl And Ralph Nader Together On The Situation Room on how they agree on FOUR MAJOR issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess you people deserve the fascist Corporatism ( no not capitalism) that is ruling today!
Yeah I noticed that too, they say we accept all. They actually mean everyone but Ron PauI
We need a Ron P a u l and Dennis Kucinich ticket.
End the privatized Federal Reserve. Nationalize the monetary system like it's supposed to be as per the constitution of the United States of America.
You got it !!! The only two whistleblowers in the Congress. Add Nader to it and its a coalition.
Dennis Kucinich is a genius. Check out this bill
It's under review with the Financial Institutions and Credit committee. Call all of these people. Shelley at the top of the list is the most important person to call. Tell her to approve this bill and send it to congress!
I donated to those two during the last presidential campaign and I was going to vote for Kucinich in the primaries and Kucinich was going to pick Ron Lawl as his running mate.
Too many uninformed trolls on this site. I think this nation gets what it deserves!
We got some more time. THEY are getting scared so THEY are using intense tactics. I've never been so hated by a select few before in my life. It's actually really scary. Some of them wish death upon the protesters and people that can't afford health insurance that get serious injuries. That's really scary to think about. That is 100% prejudice. Think about it... they have places WE can't afford to go to. What is this? The black drinking fountain and the white drinking fountain?
THEY make their money off the backs of their employees. Why does the CEO get the majority portion of the money when it's the construction workers that are building EVERYTHING?
Ya who is Lon Rawl?
Ron Lawl
Ron Paul, not Ron Lawl.
Ron PauI
Administrator who never paid attention?
Yes, exactly ;-)
I love the switch from Ron PauI to Ron Lawl
Yes, Ron Lawl is a misspelling of Ron Paul. For some reason, it's very common around here.
When I type Ron Lawl, it changes it to Ron Lawl. Why? I am not even a supporter of Ron Lawl, but this is bullshit.
i agree with you completely. censorship is something that we should always take seriously, no matter what it is. in this particular case, it happens to fall upon those that support the likes of the only candidate that has ever stood up to the power brokers.
You're not the only one.
The agenda is hidden in plain sight.
It is clearly designed to defame and de-legitimize him.
He is the only individual treated in this manner.
I think it's very clear OWS is being orchestrated as 'order out of chaos' movement.