Forum Post: I Agree with Alexis Goldstein (Occupysec), & Heather Mcghee (
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 10, 2013, 10:08 a.m. EST by inclusionman
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Alexis: "I see the country pushed right with talk of deficits, cuts, austerity, starve the beast language, Certainly from republicans but also through the cowardice of Democrats"
Heather Mcghee agreed and added:
"The continued right wing effort to cut middle/working class pgms is a continuation of their "southern strategy" from the 60's-70's. First they challenged the voting rights act, then busing, finally pushed the cut/starve the beast agenda (starting in the early 80's) All the while talking about and targeting minorities, because cutting government spending is believed to mainly hurt low income minorities."
OWS HAS change the national dialogue, but hasn't ended the conservative efforts to cut pgms that help the 99%.
Our work continues, Push the dialogue left, push stimulus, Job creation, The deficit is a phony crises. Don't believe the hype.
Until we have replaced our corrupt government system let's push for economic equality and support for the working/middle class!!
Heather has the right idea, is Occupies kind of organization.
Educate yourself about the Occupiers who've made a difference
this was from MSNBC "UP with Chris Hayes" ????
Alexis would be proud of her old affinity group
OWS reports :Alexis on Maddow
!% moving to gut fin reform.
never ends
Saw Alexis Goldstein on sunday cable today. 4/28
She was asking for all to put pressure on dems who support HR 992, -bill to gut a part of fin reform.
I still agree with her and Demos participant today as well
I like seeing Occupiers on TV. It is so rare. I can't think of any other MSM show that has us on.
Pressure all pols not to gut fin reform
We need add'l, stronger fin regulations (reinstate glass steagle.) not less.
I have seen her many times on MSNBC. She is a great, solid spokesperson for what we are trying to do. And, frankly, gives us a very non-radical image on a very serious issue.
being seen & heard by a wide audience can help build the center/left coalition that is necessary to finally cement the necessary improvements to the lives of the working/middle class.
OccupySEC says stop gutting of Fin reform
Stop HR 992