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Forum Post: Hunger Strike Day 17!

Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 11, 2013, 6:35 p.m. EST by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Thats right, 17 days ago I began a hunger strike against the Govs of two states to bring attention to the corruption I personally witnessed and force change. I reported the corruption and was immediately destroyed for reporting it. The power structure figured, whats he gonna do. I happen to believe Americans are not as powerless as we appear to be. I also believe, if we are willing to show commitment and courage we can stand down powerful forces. This is because at the end of the day people who abuse power lack courage and they are weak. I have offered to submit to lie detection technology to back any statements or accusations I have made as the truth, but there seems to be no takers on that front either. To this point....well they really are not interested in talking to me. Nor do I expect them to start, they are sending a message that I have no voice and no power to challenge that corrupt power. I of course Knew that going in, hence the reason I chose the hunger strike. At this point I have made no attempts to contact the media, because I am giving them every opportunity to do what is right behind closed doors. Rest assurred that in the future this will change. Corrupt govts and coporations count on our citizens silence and compliance to do some really horrible things. Well, not on my watch. I will stand and I will challenge that corrupt power structure, even if it means my death. It is sad, everything we say about our society and our govt says that no citizen should be reduced to this to get justice, yet it is the reality if you care to deal with it. As a former Marine I swore to defend my nation against all enemies foreign and domestic. This would be the domestic variety. Any contractor expecting to defraud the taxpayer qualifies here, as does any govt workers and politicians that give them cover to act criminally and violate the public trust. Some of you reading this may wonder is this guy for REAL, is he telling us the truth? All I can ask is hope and or pray for justice. Please note in all this there is no need for violence, guns, ammunition or a body count. Be strong, be honest, show courange and commitment and they will sweat! Semper Fi!



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[-] 1 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 12 years ago

I notice that in your little essay you tend to overuse (I) a bit much.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Drinking water with a little honey?

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

Lol, tea and coffee and some honey (mostly artificial sweetenter). If it were not for the coffee I don't know what I would do. Not sure how to read your question. There are people all over the world on hunger strikes using different methods and approaches. Some Islamic prisoners in Turkey were on a hunger strike for over 6 months using vitamins. I just heard about another activist that has been on a hunger strike for a year. Bobby Sands (IRA/prisoner) took a purer approach and lasted only 62 days before he died. Without vitamin supplements 60 days is generally accepted that this is the point of no return. This means even if you stop the hunger strike, the damage done to the body is to great to reverse and the protester will die. Ghandi went on a hunger strike that lasted a little over 20 days, I will be there this week. I hope this answers your question.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You might want to drop the artificial and stick with the honey.

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

No I think I am on the right path, if anything the honey is gone.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

artificial sweetener gives your body nothing but your body reacts to it like it was real sugar ( goes on a high then crashes ).

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

I am not doing this for my health, no pun intended. I am going to have to risk my life and my health if I am to see reform in this industry. These politicians and institutions will not act because it is the right thing to do, they will only do it if they have no other choice. This happens becuase too much money works its way back into the system and neutralizes those sworn to protect this nation and its citizens from such corruption.That sadly is the country we all live in.

[-] 1 points by Choonie (0) 12 years ago

I'm chomping on well prepared salmon with asparagus and garlic and dill new potatoes. I will have an extra helping in your honor, and toast you with Blue Moon!

Semper Fi

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

Am I supposed to be upset or insulted by your careless attitude toward my attempts to challenge corruption and injustice...LOL. You have no idea if my cause is just or not, what you do know is its always easier to join a mob and attack the lone individual than to find the courage and the compasion to stand with those that are seemingly outnumbered. Why how bold and couragous you are. America is a great nation and a strong nation in spite of weak sisters like you. She remains strong only as long as people like me stand down the corrupt jackels who will harm this country irrevocably for their own benefit. Try an extra helping of courage, integrity, character and commitment. I think you need that nurishment much more.

[-] 1 points by Choonie (0) 12 years ago

mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm Stir fry with apple pie and ice cream for dessert!

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

Care to share any specifics?

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

Not sure what specifics you are looking for. This involves fraud, attempted bribery, threats, intimidation, acts of aggression on the projects, contractors illegally taping state officials to get leverage over them, and my favorite running a ghost specification. That last one is the worst case of corruption I have ever seen. I will try to explain it. Lets say you have a fleet of vehicles and pay to have all the engines tuned up, the brakes redone, the vehicles cleaned the oil changes. An inspector is hired to ensure the work is done according to the specification but one of your employees gives the inspector a specification that only call for ythe vehicles to be cleaned out, the fluids topped of and the wiper blades replaced. The contractor fixing your vehicles would be very appreciative to your emplyee who gave the inspector the ghost specification. The inspector would be in the dark about the true scope of work and the contractor would get paid for work he never did. I will hold off naming the two states to give more time for them to react. Though I expect they will try to wait me out. I will be patient but intend to start moving to the media in the near future. Thanks for your question.

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

Essentially facts of the entire story, what you've stated here is vague. Your initial post gave us your opinions about how to react to an injustice but no information on what that injustice is in this case.

Which two governors? What documentation do you have? What was your position, if any, in government that enabled you to learn of this corruption? How were you destroyed? You're on a hunger strike but you haven't made an effort to inform the media. Does anyone know you're on this strike? Why do it for 17 days before even considering to make it public? Why not bring whatever proof you have directly to the media?

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

I won't give up the 2 govs just yet, but soon I think. I am an inspector, anything I speak to, I personally witnessed and put in my reports. These reports were written and sent the same day by me (these reports were dated and sent electronically as well as turned into the intitutional agency the next day). So yes I have documentation on everything I say. I am also willing to submit to lie detection technology to prove out what I am saying. The MRI technology is said to be rock solid and may be admissible in court at some time in the future. This would send the exact message I am seeking to send. As for their attempts to destroy me, contractor offering bribes are not just going to offer it to me, so when I refused the bribe and officially reported it. The govt workers close to the contractor had me run from the project. Lets just say the contractors used inappropriate relationships with the institutional power to have me removed once they realized they could not buy me or break me. Yes both govenors offices know, as of friday some state representatives and senators also know but it appears they do not want the documentation you mentioned. For the first time I notified the White House (stimulis/taxpayer money was likely spent on these projects). As for why wait 17 days....good question. I want there to be no doubt that I gave the powerstructure time to react and deal with this. Only after enough time has passed will I seek the aid of the media. Whatever use they will be. Not giving the Gov and the AG proper time to act would be under handed. When the public hears of this via the media, these govs will not be able to say they didn't know, that there wasn't any documentation or that they didn't have time to act. The criminal acts I witnessed aside, I am also focused on reforms that will protect inspectors, empower them to do there jobs, and create an organization to ensure they do the job appropriately. Think about trying to put all this into a statement to OWS. There are a lot of moving parts. I gave the basics just to get this out there. You must understand that people are routinely retaliated against for blowing the whistle in the United States it happens almost everytime someone steps forward to tell the truth. Govt or corporate, it does not matter. I have now gone past whistle blower to non-violent protest.

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

So if my initial post was vague, it was not meant to be about detail. It was just a heads up.

[-] 1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

Real non-violent resistance make you a little weak in the knees. Thats (Ok), I got this for you!

[-] 1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 12 years ago

My knees are weak from many years of hard work.I doubt that your personal crusade could do any more damage to them.But carry on. It is a hard thing to come to grips with the inherant injustice of life.You may come to some understanding of this before you go to the other side.(ok).

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

I have had 4 ACL reconstruction surgeries on my knees so feel free to stop whinning to me about yours. I still have managed to get up everyday and work 50 to 70 hour weeks climbing steel. You are not the only American working hard in this country, I am sure this surprises you. You will accept inherent injustice and corruption, what kind of award do you think that qualifies you for? What kind of American or patriot does that make you? What does that fact say about YOU? Do you think the kids that died in Iraq and Afghanistan, died so you can turn your back on this country when it is convenient to do so. I will not turn my back on this country or those that scrifice to keep her strong, because those that sacrificed for this nation deserve that level of patriotism and commitment. This my stand for America....maybe someday you will understand it before you pass to the other side????? Or not.

[-] 1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 12 years ago

Long rant from a hungry man.Selfproclaimed hero trying to publicise his false heroics.Nobody asked what you did,nobody asked about what you are doing and nobody gives a shit !

[-] 1 points by peacehurricane (293) 12 years ago

I am all in too and stand with you!!! Rest assured you are not alone and I will never lay down. I too have said many time "Not while I watch" :Lovin' you brother I too took the oath and shall proceed Justice will be and Freedom Rings 2013 for our country to be this is a must. The time of compromising with corrupt unamerican acts has come to an end and We have overcome... Regardless of how things appear God is with us and so....Exactly:)

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

Thanks for the support brother.

[-] 0 points by highlander (-163) 12 years ago

What, specifically, are you calling attention to with this strike?

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

Corruption,fraud, stealing of taxpayer money...look read back and try to keep up!

[-] 1 points by highlander (-163) 12 years ago

OK. What, specifically pushed you into your action? you have supporters in your corner. Who would they contact?

[-] 1 points by TheStarvingCrusader (25) from Killingly, CT 12 years ago

No one yet, i am honor bound to give the institutional powers time to act and force reform here. I do not think they will, but I will give them more time. I do not know that my wisdom on this is correct, but it is what I am doing. What compelled me? Every state in this country is going to have to spend BILLIONs on infrastructure in the next decade, because our infrastructure is in bad shape. If we do not get a functional law man with power and authority to oversee these projects, the majority of that money will be for not and be pilferred. This will not happenwithout a challenge from me. If I can get successful reform in 2 states, I hope to see them spread to other states. This is my pledge.

