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Forum Post: Hunger Strike as a tool for global change.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:55 a.m. EST by OAAAO (16) from Santa Ana, CA
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If we want something to happen we need to take more drastic action. As a community we need to come up with one demand--something symbolic of our struggle--and have a hunger strike until it is complied with. Gandhi used it to drive the British out of India, it is our most powerful tool for generating the change we wish to see. It will draw media attention; so, ironically, the revolution will be televised. It is something people can do all over the country (and world). This will be the first of many against the ruling elite. The edifice of this system is built on our shoulders: hunger strikes will bring it to it's knees. What issue do we want to HS about? Disbanding the federal reserve? Repeal of the patriot act? Requiring every member of congress to make their finances public?

How can we make this happen?



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