Forum Post: Hungary To Monsanto AND The IMF ~ "You're Outta Here!"
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 8, 2012, 2:26 p.m. EST by Renneye
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It doesn’t look like Orbán and Hungary have a lot of support in their fight against Monsanto and GMO in general on the political front. But that still does little to explain the radio silence.
There was more international reporting earlier this year, when Orbán again faced up to two other major forces, in this instance the IMF and the EU. On January 1, the Hungarian parliament and president signed a new constitution into law. And it contains a number of things that the Troika members don’t like. In particular, they are probably at odds with taxes levied on bank transactions, and especially central bank transactions. Not the kind of thing the IMF is likely to ever agree with. .
Nice. Bravo, Hungary!
That is what REAL leadership looks like.
Too bad we don't have that kind of leadership here.
There arent enough people demanding leadership yet. Everyone is still willing to accept lesser of two thinking, which is the worst way at looking at things.
That's what we're here for I guess
Looks like 'Cuse couldnt quite pull it out today. I was hoping for an upset, being from upstate.
It seems that Pfizer now owns Monsanto. What does this mean?
I may still break even on my PFE stock????
Obama appointed ex Monsanto VP Michael Taylor, to head the FDA.
Yes, the fda and big food are the same kind of revolving door as big banks and the fed/treasury.
And Congress and the lobbying fraternity.
It's a big club, and we ain't in it.
Jimminy just makes you feel like ripping your hair out!! When did that happen?
Excellent---Plows under the MonsantoBioBomb
Good post Renneye. Got to love a leader, that tells Monsanto and IMF, Go To Hell.
Every one should see this thread.
Bardass Post, Ren. !!! Thanx & ditto hchc, bw et al !! Bien !
minima maxima sunt ...
Lol!! I admit had to look that one up.
Bardass ~ A mixture of the word hard-ass and bad-ass make up the word bardass.
I like your interpretation of what I meant better, lol {:-p)
multum in parvo ...