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Forum Post: Humanity & The Earths Environment PART2

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:56 p.m. EST by modszhrafow (1) from Brisbane Grove, NSW
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Of all the life forms that have emerged from this reality, mankind has proven itself to be unique in this regard. Whilst we are far from perfect, we have always shown glimmers of our possible potential, and our current civilisation attests to this. All other less evolved animals are strictly bound in the sensual side of reality, with their minds being unable to conceive of ways to lessen their suffering whilst preserving their life's pleasures. It has been this intellectual difference, and corresponding technological developments, that have allowed mankind to evolve to such a degree that it can now bring about circumstances effecting consciousness in ways that go above and beyond what the planet has been able to provide of its own accord. Our presence here in this advanced technological state of being is critical for the emergence of divine states of consciousness on any major scale. This state of consciousness cannot be achieved by natural means alone, nature is red of tooth and claw, and mankind needs technological advancements to provide its masses with the necessary conditions in which they can imagine, wonder, and dream. Without our technological achievements human beings would be left filling each and every moment of their day with chores of simple survival, little more then intelligent animals.

So in summarising, our planet has manifested itself so as to offer a temporary oppurtunity for the dynamic aspect of creation, which is life and human kind its highest form, to evolve to a sufficiently high degree that the Creating Consciousness or God might achieve self awareness through it on a grand scale. Humanities destiny is to harmoniously unify all of creations vast number of dualities into one beautiful and wondrous whole, and our relationship with the Earth's environment is an example of this. The true role of humanities technologies is one of preserving, beautifying, and complimenting our natural environment, while at the same time softening natures inherently harsh physical attributes and providing abstract alternatives that enrich our conscious experience, thus speeding up its evolution.

Through these means a paradise can eventually come into existence. Heaven is not some enigmatic place awaiting us when we die, it is meant to be right here, right know, and experienced in all its endless potential wonders with the passing of each eternal moment. All the other amazing divine dimensions of reality are but steps towards this final consummation.



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[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

Yes we had the Garden of Eden the whole time but greed and selfishness destroyed it. Humans have all the potential to make earth a peaceful caring existance but the sheep were made to feel ashamed by the powers that control them so it was lost.