Forum Post: Human Worth Amendment: Corporation is Not a Person
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:30 a.m. EST by CorporationNotPerson
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As you are aware, the Supreme Court has ruled that - Constitutionally - a corporation has the same rights as a person. In other words, a corporate entity, in and of itself, has the same Constitutional rights as a human being in the United States of America. Corporation = Person. That is the law of the land. How can a corporate entity, in and of itself, have the same rights and protections as a human being? No wonder we've got problems. This has led to corporate corruption in business and politics. A fundamental change is required, calling for an amendment to the Constitution, in order to ensure that corporations no longer have the Constitutional rights and protections that should be afforded only to human-beings. Consider the following amendment (I am not a Constitutional Scholar, so feel free to edit this proposed Amendment to better clarify its goal.):
Human Worth Amendment
All people are of equal worth in themselves, solely on the basis of being human-beings, unconditionally and unexceptionally.
A corporate entity is not a person and, therefore, is not entitled to the rights and protections set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America for human-beings.
Do you believe that a corporate entity, in and of itself, should have the same Constitutional rights and protections as a person in the United States of America? If yes, what is your reasoning? If no, what will it take to change this? As you can see, Constitutionally, I do not believe a corporation = person -- and that the only way this can be changed is a Constitutional Amendment, because the Supreme Court continues to interpret the U.S. Constitution, to date, as a corporate entity having the same rights and protections as a person. This has led to corruption in our political process.
I want to be able to form a personal corporation with an offshore bank account!