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Forum Post: Huffington Post CENSORED this post

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:16 p.m. EST by SolveEtCoagula (97)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

World's 10 richest people 2006 Bill Gates 50.0b Warren Buffet 42.0b Carlos Slim Helo 30.0b Ingvar Kamprad 28.0b Lakshmi Mittal 23.5b Paul Allen 22.0b Bernard Arnault 21.5b Alwaleed Bin Talal 20.0b Kenneth Thomson 19.6b Li Ka-shing 18.8b

total $275.4 billion before the crash

World's 10 richest people 2010 Warren Buffet 62.0b Carlos Slim Helo 60.0b Bill Gates 58.0b Lakshmi Mittal 45.0b Mukesh Ambani 43.0b Anil Ambani 42.0b Ingvar Kamprad 31.0b KP Singh 30.0b Oleg Deripaska 28.0b Karl Albrecht 27.0b

total $426.0 billion after the crash

That is right...they had a gain of $150 billion as we descended into economic hell. Poor Prince Alwaleed dropped completely off the list...although his wealth didn't actually go down, the bar just went up. But we bailed him out anyway through his company, Citi Group. He is so strapped that he has actually stooped to charging people for the privilege of touching his diamond encrusted mercedes...


Prince Alwaleed is also the second largest shareholder of News Corp, the parent company of Fox News



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