Forum Post: should be a part of OWS -polls, proposals and direct democracy - check it out!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 7:06 a.m. EST by kazoo55
from Rijs, FR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
IMHO deserves your attention - it fills an important gap on OWS as for polls and direct democracy, and that's all it does. It should be linked to from this site, and be integrated into it. Check it out, sign in and tell us what you think of it...
That seems like an amazing tool. I would be all over it, were I American. I can only root.
I'm from abroad too (Netherlands) - but this site needs massive exposure, so to speak.
Thanks, we (the people behind PlainSite) appreciate your support!
We're working on some new stuff, too. The goal is for every American to be able to be his or her own lobbyist--without being a lawyer.
Yes, great, and it's all very transparent and easy. I wish I could add a few issues (reopening the 9/11 investigation for instance :), but I'm sure you guys will get there by yourselves... Good luck from the Netherlands, soon we'll need something similar up here too, I'm afraid. Nice to have such a good example...
We'll look at opening it internationally soon. I think it could have a lot of potential in countries outside the U.S.
This is a great tool. I've posted on here about the amazing opportunity to bring the paradigm of direct democracy to the public via OWS. How would one merge this PlainSite with OWS though? It's kind of it's own scene. I'm thinking more along the lines of something that allows an organization to kind of... open it's own direct democracy account, is the best way to describe it. And that's just to start. Ideally OWS would eventually have it's own dedicated server with it's own direct democracy infrastructure. Anyway...
Adding a link from OWS to plainsite would be cool. If this request were to become a big ussue on plainsite, maybe then the OWS admins would finally notice something.