Forum Post: How you support the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 11:40 p.m. EST by jrhirsch
from Sun City, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You buy the 1% products, put your money in the 1% banks, go to the 1% schools, pay the 1% taxes. You make them rich! Protest with your dollar. It's the only thing they will listen to!
And here's the worst of the worst 1% products:
The Revolution starts here!
call me crazy but what seems to be the problem is that we have lost our way. There are a lot things that led up to the situation and it did not happen overnight.
Anytime you have Corporate Greed team up with Good old fashion Consumer Greed you have to deal with the children that come from that relationship. Which amounts to nothing more than an immature adolescent that does not want to take accountability for their actions because all they learned was that having Cable, T.V. in every room, nice car, and go out when they want with out having to work for the things they had.
The missing items in this issue is nothing more than personal accountability for the way we purchased. we bought too much, saved too little and our children will be ones to have to deal with the mess. All because we just wanted them to have it better than what we had it growing up. We missed something and our parents missed something in teaching us how to deal with money. The Financial system is not going to let us know methodology they used to make money... they keep us in the dark. Because in doing so they have power over us.
Lets Fix us while we are asking for the financial system and corporate system to get fixed by the government. We want a fix then lets demand of ourselves to fix ourselves first. We get their attention by taking away the very thing that they took away from us - the ability to control us.
We have become a product of what our parents have done and their parents before them. We have gotten so accustomed to having someone provide for us that all we are doing is waiting for that next fix (paycheck). And we live from paycheck to paycheck waiting for the next serving, and the next, and the next... Please sir may I have another.
Until we look inside and take control of how we manage our own stuff how can we ask for yet another hand out.
does this take away from those that have busted their ass to get where they got and lost it all. No! But the actions of the vast majority of us skew the view on those that need to have us rally up and really go to bat for them.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln
I will agree that we don't take responsibility for many our economic problems. But a large part is because people don't understand basic economic principles. The corporations on the other hand know them well , and specialize in the ability to squeeze every drop out of their customers wallet. The best way to face this is with education. Understanding is the key to all problems. I don't remember any economics classes being offered in school though.
Protest by realizing how much crap you don't need, how housing/roommates and carpools could be used to save money. Stop dropping your kid off at day care so you can work for less money. Makes no sense. Yes, 46 states will discriminate against hiring you if you have a gap in employment, but if you are making negative money, it is best to QUIT!
Then where do you suggest these kids go when gotta go to work?? Quitting a job is not a good option. You can't make negative money. That statement makes no sense. If those same people quit and had kids, who do you think will be picking up the bill then?? Those with jobs, who do day care or babysitters. Not everyone can work around school schedules.
We need a society that works typically 20 hours a week.
Many people make negative money after uniform, car payment, gas, food, daycare. They work so they don't have gaps in employment on their resume, otherwise they will NEVER get a job again.
I've had gaps, I can still get work. Uniforms are tax deductable. If you can't afford a car payment, you don't need that brand new car. Gas and food are dependant on situation, so I won't touch that. And if you and your other(if they are still there, if not they would be paying child support) have to work while the kid is there,you can write off daycare. If you still can't afford things after that, get government help. After all, if you have a job, you're still paying for the help you receive. And i repeat 20 hrs a week is bullshit. that at most 4 hrs a day. We'd be broke by the end of the day
If you mean. You buy their products, work in their offices, then yes you are helping them get rich. If you work, you are also making yourself rich. Going to a private school doesn't put money in, say, Ben Bernake's pocket. If you don't buy anything, you will have nothing but money(maybe even catapulting you to the "evil 1% status"), but everyone around you who likes goods and services will continue to buy out of neccesity, or just want. The rich will continue, as will the poor. If you don't want your car, because it's new and you(now for some odd reason) don't wanna help the 1%(where money trickles down from shareholders to factory workers to the guy at the dealership shop filling oil) sell it, someone (who might be poorer than you) will buy it(making you richer). You see where I'm going here?? No one guy gets your dollar. If you are being charged for something everyone from the government to some random guy sweeping floors somewhere gets their cut.
Where do corporate profits come from? From products that you and I purchase. When I stop buying Pepsi, getting generic cola instead, your price for Pepsi goes down, while the price for my generic goes up. Basic supply and demand. We are brainwashed that we must have the name brand product. The only way to make yourself richer is by how you trade your labor. If you trade 2 hours of your labor for an item that cost one hour of labor to produce, you will be getting poorer, not richer.
Yes, if many people(by which I mean like 3.8 metric shit tons) don't buy Pepsi related products(Pepsi also makes generics. You would have to pretty much resort to tap water, Coke(but that would be the same), or alcohol. It's not brand name that your issue comes from. It's all the hands in all of the pockets. If you buy soft drinks(bottled water is in here too.), either Coke or Pepsi gets the money(and some "independant" bottled water people). The price for Pepsi wouldn't go down, the price for the generic would go up. And yes how much you time is worth correlates to how much you have. Sadly, you are not the appraiser of that. Your employer is. If you think what they are offering isn't worth you time, don't take the job. Very few products take an hour to produce Pepsi produces say 100 bottles of Pepsi in an hour. Those Pepsi's cost about 28 cents to make, so 28.00. Then they need to pay the guy who maintains the machine, shipping(usually by truck), marketing, etc.This is where the flaw in the logic is. I costs more to move product than it is to make it(except specialty stuff like the Bugatti Veyron. It costs more than 2x more to produce than they sell for) That is why things cost what they do.
So what do you suggest we do?
Well. depending on your funds, and how hardcore you wanna get.
Don't buy soft drinks. This is better for you anyway
Grow your own food. Not always an option, but there are farmers markets, etc. If you can't support yourself, support your local farmer
3 Get off the grid. Solar energy will not just save you money, it will make you money also, because you are helping the grid. hat you would have paid, you will have earned. Plus the government gives you money also for doing it.
5 Get a job where you can succeed. After all, few of my suggestions are cheap or easy. If you work your way up the ranks, you won't have to worry about suggestion 4. 3 will create more for you and 2 will be much easier through higher quality/ less chance of failure
Will this make the rich pay attention?? Nope.Not even a little. Will you be richer for it?? In spades.
I'm already doing half of those things. Hope you will to!