Forum Post: How and Occupy Wall Street can create job growth
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:25 p.m. EST by hp91126
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Kudos to you “Occupy Wall Street “. You have captured the attention of millions of Americans ,who like you, are frustrated in what is happening in our country and in particular the lack of jobs.
The American Economy is driven by the purchasing power of its constituents and the productivity of its workers. Yet those in Congress are more concerned with getting re-elected and catering to lobbyists representing Corporate interests rather than those who drive the economy
The lack of jobs has reduced the purchasing power of America and has decimated the Middle Class. Your movement can foster job growth without having to wait for Washington to act.
How??? To use the collective purchasing power of the public as leverage to force Banks to provide loans to small businesses at reasonable rates. Small business is the prime catalyst for job creation and play a vital role in the growth of the country.
Banks are sitting with the highest excess reserves in history. In 2009 it was in excess of 900 billion dollars and today is in the trillions. Money which should be out fostering job growth and new businesses not sitting in the bank.
I am not an Economist nor a Lawyer. I am a concerned 85 year old Veteran of World War II who has decided to fight the large Corporations and their unjust policies through an organization I formed called U and I become We.
The purpose of the organization is to use the collective purchasing power of its members as leverage to create change in unjust policies of Banks, Credit card Companies, Wireless carriers and other large Corporations.
Our affiliation is with the people rather than a political party. There Is no cost to join. Check out our website.
H.P.Schroer 631- 488-4494