Forum Post: How Unregulated Hedge Funds Are Causing World Financial Crisis
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by rmmo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Because of money in politics and the power of Wall Street, Hedge Funds remain unregulated market manipulators today. Unregulated Hedge Fund managers met in 2010 and decided to collude and use their large sums of cash to attack leveraged sovereign nations. The hedge fund managers met in N.Y. and decided that Greece was their best bet because Greece was highly leveraged (had a lot of debt). Greece did have a lot of debt, but it was not any where near collapsing. The hedge funds caused that.
The hedge funds colluded and placed market bets at the same time against Greece. These massive bets caused a cascade of events. It caused investors to en masse pull out of Greece and thus devalued the Greek government bonds. Furthermore, the withdrawal of money caused Greece to incur even more debt because Greece lost all of the tax income on that money. And Greece, which already was leveraged was having to prop up its banks.
There is only so long that a country that has a lot of debt can withstand the bets (market attacks) by hedge funds. That is why hedge funds pick countries that have a lot of debt and bet against them because they know that they are not in a financial position to stave off the problems that the bets cause to their markets, banks, and the economy.
Hence, Germany and France have to come to their rescue and bail them out. So, hedge funds bet against the Euro because now the countries that were doing better are put in a worse position because they have had to take on Greek debt to stave off the speculators from causing Greece to collapse.
So the hedge fund speculators or vultures then look to the next highly leveraged countries: Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Portugal and one after another place massive market bets against them causing France and Germany to have to take on more of their debt.
The hedge funds are betting that the Euro will fail and are successively going after leveraged countries to make it happen. There is only so long that Germany and France can take on debt before and unregulated hedge funds are keeping up the pressure with $8 billion bets that the Euro will fail.
Do the hedge funds deny this? No. They say that they couldn't manipulate the markets in these countries and cause them to almost collapse if they did not have all of that debt. So, they say it is the fault of those countries that they have made themselves vulnerable to the unregulated vultures.
German Chancellor Angel Merkel attempted to ban the speculators as well as the Italian and Greek Prime Ministers. The problem is that the U.S. refuses to ban or regulate them because our government no longer represents the people -- only Wall Street, the wealthy, and big business.
All of our economic mess we are in now is the result of lack of regulation and deregulation of Wall Street and it will continue until we take our government back.,1518,675196,00.html
I think it's peak oil, not investors.
The economy depends on infinite, cheap resources. The main source of revenue in the last century has been oil, and the economy functions on that price. Investing in an economy with infinite, cheap oil just became a bad idea.
Peak oil is a myth. We are no where near it.
Peak oil is a fact. There's no evidence that proves we have unlimited oil supplies, and using modern mathematics based on growth, discovery and existing supplies, we should be hitting peak oil shortly.
Before the U.S. recession in 2008, oil supplies were capped and demand kept increasing.
Peak oil is very real. There are certainly arguments against the true impact of reaching that point, but the science is very real.
You should start to notice that the serious predictions being laid out are realistic.
Have a read:
Great Example of Banker Corruption:
Hope people watch this and passes it around. This video is part 2 (7 minutes) of Greg Palast on Vulture Capitalism. He is talking about one man that bought Zambia's debt for pennies on the dollar and hopes to get $40Million from Zambia via the money that has been provided as "Aid Money" to Zambia. The original debt was only $4Million.
Newer Intereview: From New York to Liberia, Investigative Journalist Greg Palast Tracks Vulture Funds Preying on African Debt
Oldest interview:
"Vulture Fund" Company Seeks $40 Million Payment from Zambia on $4 Million Debt
dumb people are causing the worlds financial problems. have been for many years "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".- Henry Ford
We need to spread the word about this because most people do not understand this and our government will do nothing about it.
because,,, wait for it,,, they are owned by international bankers