Forum Post: How to Work and Pay Your Taxes-A lesson in Current Economics
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 6:01 p.m. EST by TaxPayer101
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Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 6:01 p.m. EST by TaxPayer101
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Maybe a lot of them are jobless, I am not. If you have a Job and are smart, then you know about the scam pulled on you every time you get a paycheck. You undoubtedly know about the federal reserve corporation, who owns it and why the framers of our constitution warned against this destructive force and behavior. You know all about the year 1694 in England the plans laid out by Bauer in 1773 in Germany the first failed central bank of north America in 1784 and the wonderful glorious day in 1914 when the federal reserve took hold and soon after established the IRS. You know all that right. keep believing the debt is real and you need to work your ass off, pay your taxes and it will be OK. or do the math, see that the system is about to collapse and start spreading the correct message. Get a sense of reality. start here being a blind citizen is NOT noble.
Many of us have jobs. In the last few years, we've had to take on multiple jobs for the same company, and the same pay, while the people you think are so lazy were either a) laid off, or b) never hired. We pay taxes same as you do, while the companies we all work for make money hand over fist, using our backs as the anvil.
Some of us may never have a "real" job. Students who will be in debt for the rest of their lives graduated to find the sound of crickets wherever they post a resume.
Some of us were robbed of a good job, as companies saw their portfolios dip, they laid us off, cut our wages, cut our hours.Though demand and workload have not dropped nearly as much as the workforce, or pay.
What is left is a system that does not function, and two "lost generations" who have nothing better to do than protest, all because of greed. In this awful economy, the company profits have remained (or at worst, stagnated) by ripping it from the hands of the workers.
Job or no, we are pissed... and rightly so.
give me one and oh yeah find a law in the Constitution were the forefathers say we must pay a federal tax or were was social security tax then. but you know what to do juss bend over and take it
Myopia is a terrible thing but can be treated. Well, to school you Mr. TaxPayer101, at the heart of these protests is the fact that they want to be productive contributing members of our society but CAN'T. They cannot find a job despite their very expensive education.
Not to sound crass or anything, but part of the failure of our current society is the overvaluation of college.
Many of these college students bought into the corporate idea that college is a necessity in life. Until more people realize college is a sham of sorts, then we'll always be in this bourgeois bind that's cutting our souls out of our bodies and keeping our bodies shackled to this earth.
I don't mean to antagonize these students entirely. Rather, I'm just trying to foster an open and honest discussion about what college means to our lives.