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Forum Post: How to Win

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 5:24 p.m. EST by AMH (123)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We can't win by complaining. No one in power cares. We can't win by force. If we tear down the 1%, a new 1% will take it's place. But we can win! Profits should go to the people, not a greedy few. Boycott corporations. Get what you need from cooperatives. They are customer-owned businesses. The money goes back to the people. You'd be amazed how many there are. Credit unions, power companies, grocery chains. Check out www.ncba.coop for more info. We don't need the 1% to meet our needs. Cut them out of the picture!



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by jk1234 (257) 13 years ago


Worker Cooperative wiki article

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

I think customer cooperatives will be better for the economy in the end, but worker cooperatives are at least a step in the right direction.

[-] 2 points by JohnsonJaimes (260) from Sanibel, FL 13 years ago

People could try shopping locally to help out their own local economies, but unfortunately all of our needs can't be met this way. However it would be a start. One thing I don't understand is how people rationalize buying the foreign car because it is manufactured in the US, while just about everything but payroll taxes flows overseas. These southern "right-to-work" states rolled over and gave the vaseline to these foreign entities for a few handfuls of relatively low-paying jobs, giving away land and huge tax breaks along the way. Are we a nation of whores? I will never buy a foreign made car, and search for American products. I consider it to be patriotic.

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

Show me a real need that can't be met by a coop that already exists and I'll show you a coop that meets it or a want confused for a need.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Or an idea for a new coop to meet that need.

[-] 1 points by JohnsonJaimes (260) from Sanibel, FL 13 years ago

I'm inclined to believe that electronics are a need in today's society. Life as we know it couldn't exist without.

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

Well if that's how you feel, a partial solution is better than none at all. Use a coop when possible, & only fall back on regular corporations when you have to. We can start creating new coops to fill those needs in the meantime.

[-] 1 points by JohnsonJaimes (260) from Sanibel, FL 13 years ago

One thing would to be to purchase used when possible, or to barter goods and services.

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

I think this idea can be made to work. I think it's a legitimate avenue to solving the problem. Now we have the rest of the 99% to convince. Can I get some help?

[-] 1 points by JohnsonJaimes (260) from Sanibel, FL 13 years ago

One thing would to be to purchase used when possible, or to barter goods and services.

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by RicoSuave (218) 13 years ago

Which cooperative is going to sell me a new Mercedes when I trade my current one in?

Which cooperative is going to sell me the boat I was planning on buying next year?

I want a bigger widescreen TV for my media room. Which cooperative sells that?

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

Sounds like you're set. You must be one of the folks who doesn't need help. Yet. Wait for the automation wave to hit your job. It's only a matter of time.

[-] -1 points by HarryPairatestes2 (380) from Barrow, AK 13 years ago

Please direct me to the nearest cooperative that sells iphones.

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

Do you want to win? Or do you want an iPhone to entertain you while you wait for the chopping block? If enough people choose, we can put together coops for all our wants, in addition to the coops that already exist for all our needs. It won't be painless or easy, but since when was anything worth doing easy?

[-] 0 points by HarryPairatestes2 (380) from Barrow, AK 13 years ago

By the way, which cooperative made your computer?

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

One that hasn't been created yet. It takes time for real changes to take hold. I'm trying to start a coop right now, and I'm going to engineer it for growth, to try & push out the standard corporations. But in the meantime, computers aren't real needs.

[-] 0 points by HarryPairatestes2 (380) from Barrow, AK 13 years ago

Have you been to an OWS site? Nothing there has been purchased from a co-op. More electronics at the camps then at Best Buy.

[-] 1 points by AMH (123) 13 years ago

I know. It's a lack of awareness. Which is what I'm trying to fix here. If people were already doing it, why would I need to suggest it?