Forum Post: How to talk to a Ron Lawl Supporter
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 3:07 p.m. EST by nuclearradio
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ron Lawl is ahead in the Gallup polls and it's an OWS conspiracy coverup that he's not!
If you don't vote for Ron Lawl, you're a lizard person.
and if you do vote for him, you're a gecko.
I'm a Ron Paul fan because there's no better R or D candidate.
Winning!!! Not!!!
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If Ron Lawl and his supporters are doing so well, how come they don't seem to have their own website on which to post things like this?
I thought electioneering was banned
I'm a Ron Paul fan because there's no better R or D candidate.
Growing up Paul :) part 1 part 2
My god these are funny.
If you read Ron Lawl's "End the Fed" you know that he is a spiritual brother to the OWS philosophy
you must not understand paul or ows - ron is a free market zealot - ows is not - lots more to be said but you should understand that at least. paul has some great ideas - military and foreign policy for sure but free markets????
RonPaul on the Issues:
Total free market capitalism.
Free market health care.
Repeal Roe v. Wade.
Eliminate capital gains and estate taxes.
Eliminate the EPA.
Repeal ban on assault weapons.
Undermine UN arms control efforts.
Go to his website and read it for yourself.
right - ows agrees with none - nice job - help these people out
I agree with all of that. I am a part of OWS. Please don't speak for me. The 99% has diverse opinions. When you attempt to speak for everyone you really only speak for yourself and cause the 99% to split. The system wants us split because divided we fail.
you are right about division but if you are on board with ron's view as stated you ar ein the wrong crew seems to me - tea party perhaps
I attend Tea Parties and Occupy. Both dislike the crony capitalism that is rampant in our nation. The main difference I can see is age. Tea Party is older and that impacts a lot of their decision making and Occupy is younger preferring entirely different options.
i would agree that much of the tea party in the beginning (before being taken over from the top by the dick army, koch brother types) would feel comfortable with the ows movement - not so much counter culture but same sentiment. lots of oldies like me at the park in nyc! while there were all types in nyc (maoist and skinheads etc) i still can't think that the mainstream of ows would agree with the paul agenda that was posted.
What's wrong with free markets? You prefer a government-run market? I can just imagine how that would affect my Ebay sales:
BUYER: "Yay! I won! Final Fantasy 14 for $25.16. Wooooo. Wait - why is shipping 10.88 dollars? That's insane!"
ME: "Unfortunately the government needs to approve this sale before we can proceed. I have to call the FTC, FCC, and Internet regulatory commission for approval. That usually takes a week. Sometimes more. Plus each call is taxed by the government at 2 dollars."
BUYER: "A week??? 6 dollars extra in taxes? Forget that I'm not paying."
No thanks. I'd rather have a free market where buyers and sellers can trade with each other, and not have to deal with the government overseeing every single transaction (like Communist Russia in the 80s).
Where do you get such absurd ideas? Let me guess: Rush Limbaugh.
Read The 99% Declaration and let's have an intelligent discussion.
QUOTE: "Ron is a free market zealot - ows is not"
That is what I was responding to.
If that happened, you might as well kiss 3rd parties goodbye. The Dems and Reps will protect their duopoly to ensure 3rd parties receive no or almost no public funds for campaigns.
Bad idea. We want our lawmakers to be experienced, not a bunch of amateurs that don't know what they are doing.
Not really. The effective income tax rate for the top 1% (after deductions) is 32%. That's a higher rate than what most of us pay.
It's the corporations that get-away with paying almost nothing.
I don't want medicare. I don't want government interfering with the Doctor-Patient relationship.
False. The only thing that would destroy the planet earth is a black hole, the sun going nova, or other catastrophic incident. Perhaps you should rewrite this phrase to SAY what you mean rather than resort to hyperbole.
As for global warming, even if you eliminated every human being on this planet, the earth would still warm 1/4 degree by 2100. It is already too late to stop it from happening.
All that would do is encourage everyone to move here (legally or illegally). And the government's coffers would quickly empty.
Only if you give me the $80,000 I spent on my education from the 90s. Why should I (and other older persons) have to pay for college, while everyone else gets a free ride??? Better yet: No loan forgiveness. Reduce the interest to 0% but still make the students pay back the money they used.
Do you understand what a free market is?
Elimination of regulation allows the elimination of competition and abuse of power. That is what caused the financial collapse of 2007 and is going to result in the global collapse of 2012.
Please read the The 99% Declaration.
You mean a monopoly. A monopoly Can Not exist in a truly free market, because if the monopoly tries to "price rape" the customers then another company will rise-up to offer lower prices..... thus ending the monopoly.
A monopoly can only exist WITH regulation (the government gives a favored company exclusive status). Example: Amtrak. Example: East India Trading Company. Example: U.S. Post Office
I already did. Reread my post above.
False. Any company with enough financial power can easily eliminate competition through any number of widely practiced techniques such as controlling raw materials, undercutting prices, purchasing competitors, control of media and advertising, etc. Micro$oft is a good example of market domination through the elimination of competition.
Powerful corporations also use government to eliminate competition by controlling the legislative and regulatory processes.
FYI the Post Office is not a monopoly, it is a public service, and there are number of companies that compete with it (unfairly, I might add, as none of them have the security requirements imposed on them that the PO does).
Name ONE example where a U.S. Company became a monopoly, abused its customers with exorbitant prices, and held that status for more than 20 years.
You won't find any. The free market does not allow such things to exist, because other companies will come-along and undercut the monopolistic company. Example: IBM held a monopoly on the DOS PC, but quickly lost it because other companies such as Dell, Compaq, etc produced the same product for about 2/3rd the cost.
Free market competition prevents a monopoly from lasting longer than 20 years.
Hardly. There is no point in time when Microsoft held a monopoly (and price-raped its customers) for more than 20 years. Or even 10 years. The free market quickly brought competition to kill any monopoly MS may have held.
No other company is allowed to pick-up or deliver letters to your home mailbox. It is illegal to do so. Hence the Government-run postal company is a monopoly. There is no other choice.
You're a smart man. The free market > government regulation.
I'd like wall street to step away from the fed window and not borrow any money from a bank that is insured by the FDIC. If they can do that I'll call them capitalists and contributors to the free market. As is I'd call them scumbags and scammers with their grubby little hands in yours and my wallets.
excellent piece of information, I had come to know about your website from my friend kishore, pune,i have read atleast 8 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your site gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i'm already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanx a lot once again, Regards,
The Best way to talk to Libertarians is to ask them simple and direct questions. Let them think they are of Superior intellect. It will usually take no more then 4 or 5 simple questions to get them stumbling and contradicting them self. They will then respond with 5000 links trying to explain something they obviously have no clue about.
It annoys them to no end and is so amusing listening to them fumble over their own words and try to justify their hypocrisy and ignorance.
You accidentally typed "libertarians" when you meant "liberals". Also add name-calling like "racist". See here:
Former Soviet socialist citizen gets called racist and other names -
No i didn't mistype anything.
I support and oppose OPP for president.
I support and oppose OPP for president.
Restore the Bill of Rights, End the Drug War!
The drug war isn't even legal. The 10th Amendment forbids Congress from banning alcohol. Or drugs. Or any other product.
That power is reserved to the People and the People's State legislatures. If a Member State of the union, such as New Hampshire, declares marijuana to be legal for medicinal purposes, then the central government has zero authority to overrule that legislature's decision.
How has the bill of rights been ignored?
Paul 2012 baby
Here is REAL Ron_Paul FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS:
Ron Lawl Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED!:
I think that was the best Ron Paul video I've ever seen. Understated and yet dramatic. And it lays-out exactly what the congressman stands far -- end the bankers' central bank, end the stupid wars, end the bailouts & welfare for the corporations.
Obey the Constitution as the supreme law of the land (especially the 9th and 10th amendments of the People's Bill of Rights).
Repeating yourself doesn't make you honest.
Ron is not honest.
Ron Lawl is not honest????
Oh shush. Go waste your vote on that 3rd party "green" lady that has zero chance of winning. The rest of us prefer to vote for the top 2 parties that have won every presidential election since 1792.
And out of those top 2 parties, I like Paul the best. So sue me for having an opinion.
He lie like the rest.
An "honest" politician. That's not even possible.
A career politician, that's not a career politician.
A republican, that's not a republican.
An independent, that's not an independent.
A libertarian, that's not a libertarian.
A conservative, that's not a conservative.
Mr. Paul= WTF?
Have fun voting for just another illusion.
why should he subscribe to your buzzwords? You are sounding like a communist... "you can either be a sales clerk, or a janitor. Nothing more, nothing less." why can't he be himself?
Which has to do with what I said, in what way?
Republican, independent, libertarian, conservative are ALL generalizing terms. Why would you condemn someone for choosing to associate himself with his own views over the views of a particular subgroup or organization?
Then, please, tell me.
What is he?
A man who obeys the law (constitution) instead of ignoring it, especially the 9th and 10th amendments in our Bill of Rights.
There's a shocking concept. Why on earth would we want a politician like that who obeys the law?!?!? /end sarcasm
Exactly. I have one more great video and very recent. You will love this as I did very much.
Ron Lawl CBS News Republican Debate Highlights — November 12, 2011:
Ron_Paul, unlike other politicians, is very straightforward. That's what I like about him.
This is real simple, even if you don't like Ron Pawl, you have to admit he's sooo much better than all the other candidates on almost all issues and he has been the most friendly to the OWS movement. So to devote time to attacking him instead of the others means the person is scared of him for one reason or the other, or, is being paid to defame him.
That's true. He is better by a long way than the other GOP freaks. He's much more a friend of the people, at least in word.
Ron Lawl Liberty Constitution Alex Jones! Cute vid! The Rule of Lawl!
Far more oil is dumped on the landscape by tanker trucks (or ships) moving the oil down to Texas, than how much oil is lost via pipeline leaks. The pipeline is actually MORE environmentally friendly than how we ship the oil presently.
Some will say he's a racist, here's clarification for you from an interview with Wolf Blitzer:
Note the news on the ticker at the bottom of the screen. Not much has changed in 3 years has it?
Please post a comment on Obama Perry Paul for President. Obama P Paul is the newest canidate to announce for president or OPP as his friends call him. Thanks for your support.
RonPaul is Bill Maher's new hero!
Go Ron!
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." -- Eleanor Roosevelt Try debunking RP's ideas instead of his people. You might receive some respect.
Quoting a Roosevelt would be funny, if it weren't tragic.
i guess you know little about eleanor - you should do some reading on her
She was amazing. I was pointing out the irony of quoting any Roosevelt in defending Ron PauI, today's patron saint of the project to completely annhilate the last vestiges of the New Deal.
got it - you need to make your comments more obvious for old people like me!
No need for Ron Paul. The Supreme Court already dismantled most of it.
If you read the New Deal rulings by the 1930s Supreme Court, they declared most of it unconstitutional. They allowed social security to stand (because it's a tax), but killed all of FDR's other new deal laws as violating the constitution.
They killed one agency - the N(i)RA - which most New Dealers were happy to see go, and one act - the AAA. Only 20-30 other programs remained.
Oh the 1930s Supreme Court did more than that. They also overturned FDR's price-fixing of products. A chicken farmer in New York sold his chickens below the cost imposed by FDR, and the Court nullified FDR's price-fixing.
They over-turned rationing of food. They over-turned FDR's healthcare plan (similar to SSI but provided checks to pay doctors). And on and on.
FDR was so furious he actually threatened the justices! (Until the members of Congress told him to calm down.) They did eventually allow SSI to go through, and that's where the phrase "The Switch in Time that saved Nine" came from.
The price-fixing and rationing mostly fell under the NRA & AAA I believe.
the irony of your statement is whats funny. You just misdirected attention from the idea of ideas to the Roosevelt family. Thank you for making my point.
Then why bother including her name in the post, if ideas should be considered in a total vacuum? Why bother quoting at all? Use your own words to express ideas.
Otherwise, expect the quote to be judged within a contextual framework. If you quoted Nietzsche in defense of christianity, a raised eyebrow would hardly be undue.
"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." -- George Bernard Shaw
I like Eleanor's apples but I like her ideas more. So, I will continue to share them with our without anyone's point of view.
i think you are incorrect here - using the idea as your own would not be the most honest - and of course, it would depend on what nietzshe said about the subject. even a broken clock is right twice a day - don't know the author of that quote so ........
How about this when he speaks out against the OWS protests.
I want free education, free health care, and unemployment benefits for everyone by taxing the 1% and most importantly we want to end capitalism.
RonPaul's cookoo that equates freedom with personal responsibilities. WTF? He also thinks we shouldn't be engaged in the wars to protect our most valuable ally, Israel.
Anyway, Obama's my man and unless one of the rpugs does a 180 and starts guaranteeing free education, healthcare for everyone and most importantly, HANDS OF WELFARE, I won't change my vote.
I have one life to live and my kids are more than able to cope with the future debt. All this debt and budget talk is non-sense, THIS IS AMERICA not Mexico...
obama is your man? wow. you know obama got more money from wall street last election than anyother president in modern history. He single handley quaddropled the national debt. he loves big goverment and loves wall street.
Debts don't matter as long as I get my check, free healthcare and free education. Let the kids deal with it!
as long as i get my check? for nothing? free education? i think education is to expensive but free? thats not right. your not guranteed anything in life for free. you have to work for real. you cant just have kids and be like oh i have to watch them so i cant work goverment give me a check every month.
I think it's funny how many people believed you were serious!
he or she was
yea and when we start handing everything out for free like you want watch how fast we turn into 3rd world mexico...
It doesn't take a genius to realize the Government has to take from someone else before you receive anything...once you tax the rich and they have no more money where are you going to continue to get all of this free stuff doesnt work genius.
"It doesn't take a genius to realize the Government has to take from someone else before you receive anything..."
As long as it's not from me, it's cool... The government makes it happens!
I hope that was satire. This idea completely dismisses the fact that Ron Lawl is the advocator of competing currencies. Which is the gateway to legal bartering. Which is the tool for ending capitalism. PS: If we were really serious about free healthcare, we'd be energizing our state govt to amend the constitution for socialized medicine. But keep in mind that socialized medicine can only work if medicine is COMPLETELY removed from the market (aside from paying docs and nurses). That includes big pharma.
The bigger the government control, the better. They know what's good for us.
I agree, it takes a village to raise a child. So the bigger the village, the better the child is raised. The government knows what is best for us, and does what is best for us. Let them be in charge of every aspect of our lives, and things would be so much better for us all.
are you seriouse about this comment tho?
No. I did not think Exposed was being serious either.
I do not think the gov't knows what is best for me, and does not do what is best for me. Maybe for themselves, but not me. I know what is best for me.
exactly alright later man
are you seriouse?
I am not. I am being sarcastic.
lol k
Did it sound real?
honestly no. but from some of the comments on here i couldnt tell
Agree 100%. Vote Obama in 2012, or else it will be balancing the budget galore, specially with that RonPaul kook. He can't win though, Americans are way too smart, we see right through his free market BS!
Yet, and all those military folks out a work, sitting at home with their loved ones. Puhy. Keep them out there working and fighting. Yeah, we could probably save some money not engaging is so many conflicts, but at what price?
The price is not to spread our freedom into other countries like Iraq.
Lol, you must like the taste of GMO's. I like your style though. Its very... honest. ;) You don't even try to hide your ignorance.
GMO's are government approved, therefore good!
Eliminate the EPA and the FDA and somehow that will protect us from GMOs!
Nooooo, EPA and FDA know which companie$ are worthy of the no bid contract, that's what the EPA and FDA do. Besides, GMO's are FDA and EPA approved and CLEARLY the public would buy them even if they weren't so cheap becau$e of our government's relation$ with those companies...
Right, so instead of fixing the corruption, we should just eliminate branches of government! We don't want protection from corporations polluting our food and water! We love poison! Poison=profit and profit is more important than life itself!
They have no clue that Ron and Rand are the corporations' wet dream.
The poison is so tasty and good for health that sales would skyrocket with the public, hence the viability of a company that poisons food. It's only rational that our government gives no bid contract$ to those companies. Besides, if the current administration wouldn't get them the contract, the next one would, government$ know be$t!
Free market is just irrational...
Yes, and it's best to wait until tens of thousands of people die of cancer before the market reacts! Because companies don't spend millions of dollars a year on propaganda and coverup campaigns to manipulate public opinion. We can always trust the magical invisible hand of the market!
Yes, our government is TOTALLY benevolent and devoted to our health, hence incorruptible in practice and principle. We should totally depend on the honesty of bureaucrats and their incorruptibility to make sure we're not poisoned. They know what'$ good for u$, we don't. If ever, god forbid, our incorruptible government stops watching what we eat or drink, those evil corporations that weren't in bed with the government will rush to make sure that their food is as lethal and damaging as possible. It's only good business since we're idiots! muahaha
"Big corporations are the problem. Don't regulate the big corporations."
This. Holy shit. The very core of their argument.
Truth via parody (upon parody).
It is simply absurd. :)
Up is down and down is up!
Slavery is freedom!
Does not compute, Does not compute, Does not compute,
Your comment is a straw man.
Regulation acts as a barrier to market entry. Our common foes wouldn't have a chance of standing up to all the small businesses we could create to compete with them. Shoot... you could even start a private enterprise that helped to regulate business by keeping consumers informed.
Give me an example of how regulation on small businesses acts as a barrier to market entry. Your idea is a good one though, I might look into doing something like that myself.
Google is your friend. Just about any industry can be an example.
Go try to start a produce stand to compete with Wal-Mart supercenters and god forbid you try to prepare food there as well. You'll need inspections, licenses, permits, etc. Of course Wal-mart has to do these things as well but they sell so many units of produce that it doesn't hurt them. It's much more difficult to pass the cost to the consumer, the only way to pay for regulations, when you only sell a small amount of goods. Think about selling 1000 units per day versus 100. You couldn't get your sell price below Wal-mart and still make money.
Further looking at the subject of regulation, take hemp for example. There is a high demand for it's use as clothing among many other uses, yet it's production in this country is regulated to the point that it is illegal. This forces the importation of hemp and raises its cost as a natural resource to where it can't compete with cotton. So cotton is king still because of regulation. That may not be exactly on small businesses but you can see how regulation creates artificial markets which are often to the detriment of society. These artificial markets can also be artificial monopolies like what can be seen in the pharmaceutical industry.
We should all be looking into ways we can replace the corrupted and inefficient roles of the government. That would be taking the power back. I believe there is a huge market for investigative journalists at this moment. It's only a matter of entering the market. Young people are only unemployed because we've allowed ourselves to be. That's getting off topic and maybe should be it's own thread.
As informed as your argument sounds, Baphomet, and as much as I agree with you that we should look for ways to replace corrupt government (as well as corrupt corporations), your argument is somewhat specious. You're comparing economies of scale to small business and saying regulation is the culprit. The culprit in the case of Walmart is outsourcing and scale. Walmart has more aggregated money than anyone else, they have more logistics than anyone else, and they outsource more than anyone else. Mom and Pop stores get a dollar of revenue, pay .30 to the American manufacturer, .30 for labor and .25 for upkeep. They keep .15 on that dollar. Walmart pays 0.02 to the Chinese, 0.03 for labor and .40 for upkeep. They keep the other .55 to expand horizontally, stuff their bank accounts, undercut Mom & Pop with price wars. Once Mom & Pop are out of business, they jack up the prices. That's their business model. Government had nothing to do with it. The Hemp/Cotton debate is a nice idea, but the big problem is not legalization, it's that small farmers can't compete with huge factory farms - economics of scale again. Legalizing hemp won't change the fact that there are virtual vertical monopolies to compete with in many areas of farming.
How about this when Ron.Paul says he would cut our defense and put us all in danger. He even got booed by the republicans!
Now we know why people think he is crazy.
He's not crazy, he is WISE. WHY ARE WE IN A WAR? Here is post from a veteran supporting #OWS:
In fact RonPaul is the only one who gets it right on the most important issue facing us.
More important than the bail outs and all the other things we talks about.
I think I misunderstood you re: your initial comment. This video is great one and very recent too (November 12, 2011).
I start loving RonPaul more and more for his explicit effort to uphold our Founding Fathers values while other politicians are dancing around trying to dodge such questions. Tq for the video reference.
Even AFTER Ron Paul cut the military down from 700 billion to 300 billion a year (his 2012 budget proposal)
The U.S. would STILL have the highest military budget in the world. We would hardly be compromised in our "defense" if we're the biggest spenders with the biggest army & navy.
Damn those Inconvenient Truths.
How to talk to them?? Don't talk to them! Ignore them don't listen to them they don't make any sense!! Baa-aah! Obama 2012!
obama the man with more wall street donations than any president in modern history YAY! we love being tools
Funny that you call yourself a classic liberal. Hate to inform you, but classic liberals were libertarians! The classification has only recently been perverted recently into a movement that embraces socialism (equality for all, through the states force)
Stop making sense! I like the government! Baaa-aah! More federal control!