Forum Post: How to respond to trolls.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:35 a.m. EST by bannik311
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This site has every type of trolling imaginable. That's because it is the most accessible. And I say that is a good thing. If you go to another website with heavier moderation the only thing you get is an echo chamber and you're not going to convince anybody outside of the movement of your validity.
1) Do not respond with anger. 2) Find out why they are opposed to OWS, keep probing until you get them to name specific reasons. 3) Chances are they've been misinformed somewhere along the way and we actually agree with one or more of their reasons for being angry. 4) Help them find the proper ways to explain that discontent and invite them to the 99%
I'm not very ghandi-like. My way of dealing with trolls is counter-trolling.
I wish I could be better, sometimes I am.
Pulling off a good troll requires a good degree of cleverness. And if you can display that same level of cleverness in your counter-troll, you might just create a window for discussion
moderated forums are good places to post condensed media and discussion without dilution
if a troll is draining too much energy to deal with, disengage
if it's a flagrant post that amounts to "you smell, why dont you all eat shit and die already"... just dont comment on it
respond "If you think we smell, why not donate to help get mobile showers. Other than smelling bad what do you have against the movement"
haha... "what, you want me to wash your smelly genitals for you, give me a break, i got my own smelly genitals to deal with" :)
Why not come on down and protest smelly genitals and talk with a few of us and see what the movement is really about. At worst it would be pretty hilarious.
i've been participating in your online forum for a week or so to see what its about, i hope what's represented here is representative of what its all about... i'm about 3000 miles away from NYC
i'm in favor of "getting big money out of politics" as the starting point... how 'bout you... are you in NYC?
san diego
getting big money out of weapons factories guys are all here...
Excellent post. I too believe the trolls are future 99%ers.
Is it true that flying the American Flag upside down is a type of...(No it is not)
According to Section 8a of the United States Flag Code, "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." This is a signal to all Americans to come to the aid of those displaying the American Flag in such a manner. It should be an indication to any who observe the Stars and Stripes flown in such a way as a cry for assistance and a plea for help to those who see it from a distance and from afar. Waving the American Flag in such a way should be construed as a cry for assistance and not be taken lightly by any foreign host. Help should be immediately rendered and protection offered to those under the Flag whose hand it raised.
I agree totally, if you talk to a majority of the people on the street they're extremely proud to be from the USA and an idea like that would never fly (i freaking love puns)
A few people joke about moving to Canada but they're never serious. They would be back the first time they saw a bag of milk (seriously, what is up with that)
If protestors didn't love this country they wouldn't be so passionate about trying to make it better.
Define troll.
do people that call them "trolls" even know why they are called trolls?
Is it because they get a bonus to strength and are able to regenerate limbs?
bannik311 is working for the mob....
Very reasonable advice. .................................
i have actually started to go around and post links to the other forums. with a large enough user roll the echo will subside. it would be helpful if others did the same. this place is already an echo chamber.
facebook, myspace, whatever, start networking