Forum Post: How to remain strong
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 1:55 p.m. EST by fulltimehelpr
from Watertown, WI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Excluded from this movement are the full time working 99%. As a member of this group I want nothing more to be with you but, I would be more than willing to share a couch, kitchen, and shower to support this movement. Ask for help, and it shall come. There is no reason that the occupiers need to go without sleep and remain in the cold all night or day depending on when they seek refuge. The numbers in the park can remain relatively high with a little organization. By sleeping in shifts the numbers and spirits in the park can remain high. There are many resouces to be shared. Give the rest of the 99 a chance to help in any way they can and they won't let you down.