Forum Post: how to reform our capitalist system for the good of the American People!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 12:17 a.m. EST by jgilpin
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There are many political problems that plaque American society today that we seriously need to address by using an entirely a new approach in order to solve these modern issues and progress without return. The prolonged recession may actually be a consequence of how the America free market system runs not how government has tried to tackle the issue, because after all the main reason we plummeted into this recession in the first place is solely because big business made fiscally irresponsible. In politics the policies of the Bush administration provided few regulations on the economy and the free market managed to dig our economy into a deep whole. According to Ron Paul and many other fiscal conservatives the free market should regulate itself but the goals of modern capitalism do not all directly correlate with Democracy. The way we address this issue is through the use of government, we have to allow people the right to have the opportunity to live their dreams and provide every working American with a decent pay check because every person has a important part in the economy. In a beautiful democracy the government should benefit all the people, in which they govern, but in reality the majority of Americans are frustrated with the job of the federal government. If the government looked out for its citizens ahead of anyone else and did their job then we would take a huge step towards progress in America. Democracy needs to stand tall over capitalistic greed when regulations favor the corporation’s and consequently the middle class hence America overall is harmed by that. We need to address this problem at its core and realize that a smaller more efficient government is very workable if we just hold the free market accountable to provide enough benefits to every fulltime employee in order for them to live a descent lifestyle absent of poverty. Every employee plays a very important part in the economy no matter the job, so why must they continue to be exploited against while the big guys on top are pulling in Billions of dollars every year? If a company only values profit as their goal then we are still acting out of our primitive instincts creating a society in constant battle with each other in search of the Benjamins but that will never produce happiness so why place such an importance on it? If you work as a cashier at Wal-Mart you have a huge role to play in the company by collecting the revenue which fuels every aspect of the company without you money could never be made so shouldn’t you be valued by your employer? Instead they receive minimum wage and little health insurance coverage, and because of this exploitation the government has to step in to help care for the people who don’t make enough money to provide for their family which drains a huge chunk out of the federal and state budgets all because big business refuses to properly take care of its employees. While the corporate big shots enjoy a live of luxury and fair very easy in tax payments, the bottom 95% pay more in taxes proportionately than the top 1% who are living all the benefits of the American dream thanks to this great country that has allowed for their success. Why must we be so selfish and not what to create a world where everyone is able to live a good life, and by no means do I believe factory workers should be paid near what doctors do but at least level out the playing field so that the majority is able to prosper instead of just the upper middle and upper class.