Forum Post: How to Make Money in America :: 101 ::
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 9:34 a.m. EST by rogerfaraday
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The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank in America prints money from thin air.
They loan it to the government with interest.
The government is expected to pay this money back, with interest, so they loan it to the banks, who must pay it back with interest, who loan it to the people, who must pay it back with interest.
The National Debt of the United States is all the money in circulation and it can never be paid back to the Federal Reserve Bank.
There is never enough money in circulation to cover the interest --- the only money in existence is the original printed money on which the interest is owed.. There is no other money in the world that has been printed to pay the interest...
People are then forced to borrow more money from the banks to pay the interest. And the cycle starts again...
The debt can never be paid back.....PERIOD
The more you continue to borrow the more paper money is printed and the more it gets devalued...(inflation) And the more the quality of life must deteriorate.
The Congress of the United States has the legal right to print money for circulation under the law specified by the Constitution of the United States of America which can be circulated interest free.
The Federal Reserve Banking System was and still is illegal according to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States :: the inviolable law of the land. The article states that Congress shall have the power to create money and regulate the value thereof.
In 1935, the US Supreme Court ruled the Congress cannot constitutionally delegate its power to another group or Corporation.
The Congress thus acted in violation of the Constitution it is sworn to uphold and in so doing created the Federal Reserve Bank that is a Private for-profit corporation operating at the expense of the public welfare.
By its action, our lawmakers committed fraud against the people of the country and have gotten away with it for over 90 years.
Greed, drugs and lies. Here is an essay by Professor James Petras that may interest you.
Imperialism: Bankers, Drug Wars and Genocide
Agree 100%
Some of what you say makes sense. But "And the more the quality of life must deteriorate" seems misplaced; has the quality of life deteriorated over the past 90 years? I would argue that advances in technology, enabled by economic 'success' has greatly lifted the quality of life.
This should be the message:
Oh my god, an actual educated view about a root cause of the global problem, this is brilliant and to the author: you are probably too good a mind for this website!