Forum Post: How To Kill A Bank (ver 1 a)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 4:22 a.m. EST by TRUMP
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Did You Know if your bank Fails , yes your protected by the FDIC, and yes it will take 10 years + to get your money back
Take your money out, they only pay you barely 1% Interest - Unload your savings account Now! banks have traded against their customers-knowing full well that the customer was going to get crushed,Kind of like the fox watching the hen house.
Yes please take your money out and send me your address. All kidding aside so let's say you were able to kill Bank of America, What happens to the 300,000 they employ? And the countless thousands businesses like the deli next store to the corporate office? So you would have us put a million people out on the street?
I see you really have thought this out.
Occupy call your neighbors, friends, families, and anyone you know who uses the big banks. Tell them to take their deposits out and put them in a local credit union or small bank Oct. 29th 2011.
That's the start date of the G8 meeting. The G20 meets Oct 23. We can try for that date if we act fast enough!!! (finance ministers and central bankers of the world’s twenty richest nations, called the G20 [eight richest called the G8])
If you want to get 6% interest on your savings up to $50,000 deposit the funds in Inter National Bank's savings account here:
When it asks for a referral code during the signup process use 6304504154
No banks would result in the international community pulling all their money out the country. This will lead to interest rates going through the roof. Try paying off a mortgage on 50% interest. You know, just because you dont have a mortgage doesnt mean you have the right to dictate the financial strain of every other person. Why do you all think you have the right to bring everyone down to your level. Why not try aspiring to get to the level you feel you would be happy with