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Forum Post: How to Gain Honest Power to a Just Cause

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:55 a.m. EST by freeflyer22 (49) from Portland, OR
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My suggestion is to educate yourself on the matter at hand. Inform people, and inform yourself of the rights you stand to lose. Stay aware of lack of government accountability and disregard for checks and balances. Vote independent this coming election, and do not support the Two party system that has bastardized our present democracy. People, myself included, are too distracted, and too ignorant to see that there is an eminent disconnect between our government, and ourselves. Nobody cares anymore, the reality of american life takes a backseat to "xbox live" and "keeping up with the Kardashians." Most people just think "what can i do about it.?" More people in the silent majority need to be educated to whats happening in our government, and furthermore need to care.!! If more people were to look around and see the outrage they might begin to ask themselves, why? Maybe ask themselves "should i be upset?" Plant the seeds of outrage and sew discontent with government, so that the american people will find truth for themselves. If this movement fails, it is certain that things will likely not improve, and those who failed will not be any happier for it; and those who remained silent will begin to see the actuality of the situation, and those seeds of outrage will sprout. It is your civil duty to distrust government. Go in peace and fight for what you believe in.



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