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Forum Post: How to create change for the 99 percent

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 3:18 a.m. EST by maria62 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To help you get our government to understand your cause and support change, I have listed web links. It would help to have one or two people per cause represent the need for change in favor of the 99 percent. It needs to be in writing for our government to take action. They need to hear a detailed act of the cause and change you want. Then you can have the 99 percent write their names and contact information on the petitions. This will get you the action and change you want.

Here are some web links to help you with your causes.

www.congress.org - write your senator, congress rep, and the top five leaders (president, vice president, speaker, majority and minority leader for both parties). Send a copy of each petition cause with at least 10,000 signatures to the media for coverage, support, and guidance.

http://www.whitehouse.gov - within the website is a webpage "we the people" where you can set up petitions that will be forward to the proper agencies and politicians on your behalf.

www.change.org - also allows you to create petitions that will be noticed.

Remember your voices count when they are in writing. Use the freedom of speech to work for you by putting it in writing. Our government looks paperwork.

I look forward to your success and action for change that benefit the 99 percent.



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[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

This is a useful topic. I would like to ad Avaaz.org, the biggest online petition website in the world, we were 5 million when I joined only 4 years ago, now 10 million. If we reach 50 million or 500 million our voice will deafen Wall Street and its White House, its Pentagon its CIA its Congress and its House of representatives. Internet will probably bring back democracy.