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Forum Post: How the US Dollar (world reserve currency) maintains it's value

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 10:04 p.m. EST by LOVEPEACE (199)
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RUTHLESS violence enforced through the World's most powerful military.

Why is the dollar the most valued currency in the world? Despite being issued (privately) through the country with the highest debt?

Guns and bombs.

How your participation in the global economy works:

One day you turn in on a dark alley. There you come across a family of four who have obviously been recently shot dead. You turn around to run and bump into a large, crazy looking man in a bullet proof armor suit; he holds a smoking gun. He announces he has a piece of moldy dog crap for sale. He suggests you buy it. Without asking him the price you tell him absolutely. He says to own the moldy turd you must agree to a contract wherein the value of the turd is whatever he says it is. You agree. He tells you his company is everywhere, ensuring the value of the turd is respected. The turds can be traded and all your family and friends have agreed. You ask what happened to the family in the alley and he explains they were terrorists attempting to devalue the turds.

Soon you accept that everything is valued in the context of turds. Your house, your car, your time, your life. One day the man with the suit and the smoking gun knocks on your door and tells you the turds are worth nothing. So your house, your car, your time and your life are worth nothing as they have been traded and valued in turds. He tells you that you must go to war if you want to raise the value of the turds and reminds you that you owe him and are under contract. The thought of the family in the alley motivates you to respect the contract.

One day on the battle field in another country while murdering people for the value of turds you see a man running towards your gun screaming "PEACE! YOU ARE NOT A TURD!".



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[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

comedicly put, but totally to the point.

[-] 1 points by LOVEPEACE (199) 13 years ago

It's sad and true. But enlightening to realize that the simple Act of Demanding PEACE and freedom IS change.