Forum Post: HOW the bankers rule america, MUST READ
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 7:23 p.m. EST by davecuk1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
please read this online pdf b4 you honour clinton either of them, your friendly us govt and the cia, project mk ultra. uk project monarch, do some research this has taken me ages to find
also please watch this on youtube, it is quite short and in 8 parts but its all true and everyone needs to know all this
also could you please sign my petition for zero point energy its real and anyone trying to introduce it is murdered or taken out finacialy or ridiculed see link below
I just created a petition entitled the utility company's the oil companys govt: zero point energy devices r real, black opps has used 4 decades, because I care deeply about this very important issue.
I'm trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Looking for more ways to spread the word? Read our handy guide to promoting your petition on the web:
please send to all your friends and contacts, love and respect dave YouTube - Videos from this email
The bankers are not the only rulers of America. Energy companies are at the top of the ruling caste. Even bankers must step aside for energy holdings. A case in point when you sign a mortgage it says that you can not do anything to cause damage to the property but many land owners have already signed leases that violate that banker rule to allow Hydrofracking on their lands. Hydrofracking causes so much damage to the land once your private property is used for fracking you will NEVER be able to sell your house because NO ONE WILL BUY IT from you!!! and here's why;
These two trailers give you just a sample of what damage Fracking causes. The first link is a trailer from the movie documentary "Gasland" and the second is from "Split Estate" You should view both in it's entirety. But is clearly shows that even bankers are pushed aside if the Energy companies say to.
'Split Estate' is a new term to me. However, for many years I've been aware through pulling property profiles (as a real estate agent) of mineral rights owned by JP Getty, Chevron and others so many feet below the surface of homes in Contra Costa County/The San Francisco East Bay Area.
Those lands obviously lie in wait for future tapping. If you are a homeowner, by all means check your property profile to see how many feet below the surface your property rights extend and post them here along with what city and state you are in. My guess-likely all real property has surface rights conferred to the purchaser that extends a minimum of 50 feet below the surface.
It is nothing new. Jefferson said it well two centuries ago. I strongly suggest the people not to recognize any global currency from all banks worldwide since the whole world badly suffers treasonous capitalistic satanism. I am totally against bloody revolution but support global scholar evolution of peace and enlightenment.
Did you bother to look at the material on the links? We are talking about some extremely depraved behavior. After years of skeptical review, I had to conclude some of this stuff has merit.
BTW, the man alleged to have been responsible for the Antrax murders Bruce Ivans, was quite possibly programmed in this way. He held a position similar to the one held by Frank Olson.
A recurring theme here is that there is a wizard behind a curtain running this shit-hole prison colony.
The truth is ameriKKKa was an experiment, in free land-ownership with the idea that you could steal land from the natives at no cost and then resell to foreigners and make money. $$ This was the model from day-one, this is what the mortgage fraud biz was all about. This is why zionists occupy Israel & Palestine, to steal land and resell.
But NOBODY is in charge, everything is for sale, this is why CORZINE is walking,
All USA law enforcement is selective, nobody goes to jail if he is rich, always been this way.
The USA a dream of the greedy to how far you can take personal greed and enslave people, but nobody is in charge.
This why J Edgar Hoover could pull the FBI out of his ass in 1930, and stay in power until 1980, because nobody cares, anybody can do anything they want, today we have 1,000's of agency's like the FBI all ran by their own permanent dictator, just like the new DHS running OWS.
Nobody is in control the USA is just a prison being ran by nobody, if you have money, or enough guns you can do as you wish, its always been that way in the USA.
MK-ULTRA was/is real. I am sure that MK-ULTRA was a genuine program of the US Intelligence Community. They did a whole lot of unethical stuff. Some of the reports are so shocking as to defy credulity, but there's lots of reason to believe these things really happened. I don't know what to make of Philips and O'Brien.
Have a look at It may seem completely far-fetched, but some of the facts can be independently verified. And some of the actors have been murdered, execution style.
For example Gary Caradori's private plane blew up in flight.