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Forum Post: How 'Sweatshops' Help the Poor

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 4:01 p.m. EST by ProAntiState (43)
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How 'Sweatshops' Help the Poor by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

One of the oldest myths about capitalism is the notion that factories that offer the poor higher wages to lure them off the streets (and away from lives of begging, stealing, prostitution, or worse) or away from back-breaking farm labor somehow impoverishes and exploits them. They are said to work in "sweatshops" for "subsistence wages." That was the claim made by socialists and unionists in the early days of the industrial revolution, and it is still made today by the same category of malcontents — usually by people who have never themselves performed manual labor and experienced breaking a sweat while working. (I am not referring here to the red herring claim that most foreign "sweatshops" utilize some kind of slave labor. This is an outrageous propaganda ploy designed to portray defenders of free markets as being in favor of slavery).





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[-] 2 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Are you really going there? Really??

Despite what anita perry thinks, i am not, in fact, hungry for a minimum wage no benefit job. I do not condone taking advantage of the poor by anyone, especially those who are doing it to make themselves richer and richer. Those who have no empathy for others are sociopaths, in dire need of being restricted from causing harm to the rest of society.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

They are said to work in "sweatshops" for "subsistence wages." That was the claim made by socialists and unionists in the early days of the industrial revolution, and it is still made today by the same category of malcontents — usually by people who have never themselves performed manual labor and experienced breaking a sweat while working.


the early days. Before there were building regulations or silly nonsensical things like mine safety.

yet I say the dead still scream in the ears of the living, those who live lives of nightmarish hell because of the loss of those so dear . . .

in places like Sago . . .